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An image of transportation staff applying road pavement marker for center lane channelization with hot tar.

The City of Bellevue periodically updates the drawings on this page. The May 2024 update of the standard drawings includes the addition of two new drawings and revisions to 71. Those drawings are denoted by the reference (New) or (Updated) after their titles in the menus below.

Each drawing is available in two electronic formats: a portable document format (PDF) and AutoCAD drawing format (CAD).

  • RL-100-1 Sight Distance Setback Lines (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RL-110-1 Sight Distance - Uncontrolled and Yield Intersections (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RL-120-1 Pedestrian Sight Lines (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SW-100-1 Cement Concrete Curbs (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SW-110-1 Sidewalk (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SW-120-1 (Deleted)
  • SW-130-1 Soil Preparation for Landscape Strips PDF CAD
  • SW-140-1 Driveway or Private Road Approach with Sidewalk - Option 1 (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SW-150-1 Driveway or Private Road Approach with Sidewalk - Option 2 (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SW-160-1 Driveway or Private Road Approach with Sidewalk - Option 3 (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SW-170-1 Driveway or Private Road Approach with Sidewalk - Option 4 (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SW-180-1 Asphalt Driveway Approach Where Curb-Gutter Exists (No Sidewalk) (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SW-181-1 Concrete Driveway Approach Where Curb-Gutter Exists (No Sidewalk) (New) PDF CAD
  • SW-190-1 Driveway Approach Where No Curb-Gutter Exists (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SW-200-1 Curb Ramp Construction Notes (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SW-210-1 Parallel Cement Concrete Curb Ramp (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SW-220-1 Combination Cement Concrete Curb Ramp (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SW-230-1 Perpendicular Cement Concrete Curb Ramp (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SW-240-1 Directional Cement Concrete Curb Ramp (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SW-250-1 Detectable Warning Surface (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SW-260-1 Detectable Warning Surface Placement (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RC-100-1 Typical Arterial Street (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RC-110-1 Typical Local Street (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RC-120-1 Right Angle "L" Intersection PDF CAD
  • RC-121-1 Median Island Details (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RC-130-1 Turnaround Facilities (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RC-140-1 Traffic Circle Details (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RC-150-1 Traffic Circle Dimensions PDF CAD
  • RC-160-1 Patterned Concrete Entry Treatment (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RC-170-1 Speed Hump PDF CAD
  • RC-180-1 Elongated Speed Hump PDF CAD
  • RC-190-1 Typical Trench in Right of Way PDF CAD
  • RC-200-1 Asphalt Overlay for Roadway Trench Restoration (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RC-201-1 Asphalt Overlay for Trench Restoration on 'No Cut' Roadways (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RC-210-1 Rigid Pavement Patching and Restoration Details PDF CAD
  • RC-220-1 Pavement Restoration for Window Cuts (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RC-230-1 Commercial Project Site - Street Frontage Improvements (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RC-240-1 Typical Asphalt Pavement Details at Curb and Gutter Installation (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RC-250-1 Utility Adjustment Detail PDF CAD
  • RC-260-1 Pipe Monument, Case and Cover PDF CAD
  • RC-270-1 Mailbox Stand (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RC-280-1 Cluster Mailbox Detail PDF CAD
  • CW-100-1 Crosswalk Markings (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CW-110-1 Crosswalk Markings at Median (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CW-120-1 Raised Crosswalk (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CW-130-1 Raised Crosswalk with Perpendicular Curb Ramp (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CW-140-1 Raised Crosswalk with Parallel Curb Ramp (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CW-150-1 Raised Crosswalk Signing (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CW-160-1 Raised School Crosswalk Signing (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CW-170-1 At-Grade School Crosswalk Signing (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CH-100-1 Channelization Lines – A PDF CAD
  • CH-110-1 Channelization Lines – B PDF CAD
  • CH-120-1 Raised Pavement Marker Details (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CH-130-1 Precast Traffic Curbs for Maintenance of Existing Curb PDF CAD
  • CH-140-1 Precast Traffic Curb Installation for Maintenance of Existing Curb PDF CAD
  • CH-150-1 Precast Concrete Dual Faced Sloped Mountable Curb PDF CAD
  • CH-160-1 Precast Concrete Sloped Mountable Curb PDF CAD
  • CH-170-1 Pavement Arrow Markings PDF CAD
  • CH-180-1 Highway - Rail Grade Crossing Pavement Markings (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CH-190-1 Noncontinuous Left Turn Lane (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CH-200-1 Left Turn and Two Way Left Turn Lane PDF CAD
  • CH-210-1 Dual Left Turn at Intersection (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CH-220-1 Typical Channelization at Median Islands PDF CAD
  • CH-230-1 Drop Lanes and Pockets (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CH-240-1 Buffered Bicycle Lane Channelization (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CH-241-1 Striped Bicycle Lane Channelization (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CH-250-1 Bicycle Lanes at Intersections (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CH-260-1 Bike Lane Treatment at Right Turn Pocket (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CH-270-1 Bicycle Facility Markings PDF CAD
  • CH-280-1 Rumble Strip and 25 MPH Legend PDF CAD
  • CH-290-1 Private Commercial Road/Public Street Intersection (Updated) PDF CAD
  • CH-300-1 Material Specification for Channelization (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RS-100-1 Safety Railing Installation Warrants PDF CAD
  • RS-110-1 Notes for Metal Safety Railing (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RS-120-1 Metal Safety Railing Details PDF CAD
  • RS-130-1 Wood Safety Railing (Updated) PDF CAD
  • RS-140-1 Combination Guardrail & Handrail (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SG-100-1 Sign Installation Details (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SG-101-1 Solar Powered Edge-Lit Sign Foundation PDF CAD
  • SG-110-1 Stop and Yield Sign Post Reflector Attachment PDF CAD
  • SG-120-1 Time Restricted Parking PDF CAD
  • SG-130-1 Street Name Sign - Type 1, Non-Arterial Street PDF CAD
  • SG-140-1 Street Name Sign (Private Road) - Type 1, Non-Arterial Street PDF CAD
  • SG-150-1 Street Name Sign - Type 2, Arterial Street PDF CAD
  • SG-160-1 Street Name Sign (Private Road) - Type 2, Arterial Street PDF CAD
  • SG-170-1 Street Name Sign - Types 3A, 3B, & 3C; Mast Arm PDF CAD
  • SG-180-1 Memorial Sign Layouts – A PDF CAD
  • SG-190-1 Memorial Sign Layouts – B PDF CAD
  • SL-100-2 Steel Roadway Lighting Pole (Small Wireless Facility Compatible) PDF CAD
  • SL-101-1 Steel Roadway Lighting Pole Details (Small Wireless Facility Compatible) PDF CAD
  • SL-102-1 Steel Roadway Lighting Pole Details (Small Wireless Facility Compatible) PDF CAD
  • SL-103-1 Steel Roadway Lighting Pole Details (Small Wireless Facility Compatible) PDF CAD
  • SL-104-1 Steel Roadway Lighting Pole Details (Small Wireless Facility Compatible) (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SL-105-1 Roadway Lighting Pole Foundation at Sidewalk (SWF Compatible) (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SL-106-1 Roadway Lighting Pole Foundation within Unpaved Area (SWF Compatible) (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SL-110-1 (Deleted) 
  • SL-111-1 Aluminum Roadway Lighting Pole PDF CAD
  • SL-112-1 Aluminum Roadway Lighting Pole Details PDF CAD
  • SL-113-1 Aluminum Roadway Lighting Pole Details (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SL-120-1 Typical Luminaire Locations and Small Wireless Facility Conduit Layout PDF CAD
  • SL-121-1 Small Wireless Facility COB-Provided Conduit and Junction Box Layout PDF CAD
  • SL-122-1 Conduit Trench Detail PDF CAD
  • SL-123-1 Small Wireless Facility DC Power Layout PDF CAD
  • SL-124-1  Small Wireless Facility PSE-Provided Layout PDF CAD
  • SL-125-1  Small Wireless Facility Shared Illumination Circuit PDF CAD
  • SL-130-1 Luminaire Schedule and Illumination Wire Schedule PDF CAD
  • SL-140-2 Pedestal Base for 4" Aluminum Pole (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SL-141-1 Foundation for 4" Aluminum Pole Base (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SL-150-1 Typical RRFB Assembly (UpdatedPDF CAD
  • SL-151-1 Typical School Zone Flashing Beacon Assembly PDF CAD
  • SL-152-1 Typical Radar Feedback Sign Assembly PDF CAD
  • SL-160-1 Junction Box in Landscape Areas PDF CAD
  • SL-170-1 Type 8 Modified Junction Box (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SL-180-1 Communication Junction Box Detail (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SL-181-1 Large Communication Junction Box Detail PDF CAD
  • SL-190-1 Fiber Optic Vault PDF CAD
  • SL-200-1 Signal Cabinet Foundation Detail PDF CAD
  • SL-210-1 Signal and Service Cabinet Foundation Detail PDF CAD
  • SL-211-1 Service Cabinet Foundation Detail PDF CAD
  • SL-212-1 'Tiny' Service Cabinet Foundation Detail PDF CAD
  • SL-213-1 Service Cabinet Grounding Detail PDF CAD
  • SL-220-1 Service Cabinet Detail PDF CAD
  • SL-221-1 'Tiny' Service Cabinet Detail PDF CAD
  • SL-230-1 Service Cabinet Wiring Detail PDF CAD
  • SL-240-1 Panel Schedule PDF CAD
  • SL-250-1 Fiber Optic Cabinet PDF CAD
  • SL-260-1 Video Camera Mount - Luminaire Arm Detail PDF CAD
  • SL-270-1 Video Converter Cabinet Detail PDF CAD
  • SL-280-1 Standard Intersection Movements and Head Numbers PDF CAD
  • SL-290-1 Loop Detector Layout and Bicycle Marking (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SL-300-1 Loop Numbering Scheme PDF CAD
  • SL-310-1 Loop Winding Details (UpdatedPDF CAD
  • SL-320-1 Loop Detector Detail PDF CAD
  • SL-330-1 Typical Conduit Placement for Loop Detectors PDF CAD
  • SL-340-1 Induction Loop Test PDF CAD
  • SL-350-2 Traffic Signal Head Wiring Chart (Updated) PDF CAD
  • SL-351-1 Signal Equipment Wiring Chart (New) PDF CAD
  • SL-360-1 Signal Head Clearance Detail PDF CAD
  • DT-100-1 Downtown Driveway (Updated) PDF CAD
  • DT-110-1 Downtown Sidewalk with Tree Pits (Updated) PDF CAD
  • DT-120-1 Downtown Sidewalk with Landscaped Planter Strip (Updated) PDF CAD
  • DT-130-1 Downtown Sidewalk Construction Notes (Updated) PDF CAD
  • DT-140-1 Enhanced and Exceptional Intersections (Updated) PDF CAD
  • DT-150-1 Typical Raised All-Way Stop Intersection PDF CAD
  • DT-160-1 Brick Paver Installation for Old Bellevue District (Updated) PDF CAD
  • BR-100-1 Concrete Intersection at Transit Crossing PDF CAD
  • BR-110-1 Concrete Intersection PDF CAD
  • BR-120-1 Concrete Intersection Details PDF CAD
  • BR-130-1 Crosswalk Wave Pattern Detail PDF CAD
  • BR-140-1 Crosswalk Wave Template Placement, 5 Lane Section PDF CAD
  • BR-150-1 Crosswalk Wave Template Placement with Guideway PDF CAD
  • BR-160-1 Crosswalk Wave - Stamped Ring Templates PDF CAD