Header Image
An image of transportation staff applying road pavement marker for center lane channelization with hot tar.
image of construction site and workers

New development in Bellevue affects traffic, pedestrians and infrastructure. Transportation staff review new development proposals to evaluate impacts and determine mitigation requirements, such as impact fees or street frontage improvements.

For a more detailed explanation of developer requirements, please view these documents:

We want your feedback

Please feel free to contact one of the inspection services managers to discuss construction inspection concerns or to make suggestions on how we can improve:

  • Tom Campbell, code compliance supervisor, 425-452-6985
  • Ryan Mumma, building inspection services manager, 425-452-4447
  • Ken Hageman, right of way inspection supervisor, 425-452-4123
  • Tom Miller, building inspection supervisor, 425-452-5369
  • Travis Ripley, assistant fire marshal, 425-452-6042
  • Mike Paul, utilities construction services manager, 425-452-4127