From sidewalk repairs to snow plowing, road improvements to traffic monitoring, minimizing congestion to maximizing transit use, the
Bellevue Transportation Department is at your service.
Our staff of over 160 (as of March 2024) are committed to providing a safe and balanced transportation system that offers a variety of travel options – walking, biking, transit and driving.
It's a big job in Bellevue, which has more than 200 signalized intersections, 350 miles of sidewalks, 165 miles of bicycle facilities, 1,100 lane miles of roadway, 3,500 city-owned street lights and 17,000 street signs. The department carries out its work in three broad organizational categories:
Planners work to establish a vision for the city's transportation system, prepare policy recommendations and help carry them out. They use computer models to forecast future travel demand and engage the public to create specific projects that will maintain and improve the long-range health of the transportation system. Working closely with financial staff, they produce medium- and long-range financial plans, prioritize projects and create detailed budgets for the improvements. (Planning web page)
Capital Program Services staff
These workers turn plans into reality. They include engineers and project managers who design projects, coordinate construction with private contractors and other city departments, and connect with the public through extensive outreach efforts. Project inspectors make sure construction meets city and state requirements. (Projects web page)
Mobility Management group
These staff are responsible for the safe operation and maintenance of the transportation system. The group consists of signal technicians, street maintenance workers, plan reviewers, traffic engineers, staff focused on neighborhood traffic safety issues, and staff who issue permits and oversee work in the city right-of-way.
We also have our eyes and ears on regional initiatives that impact Bellevue, such as the East Link light rail project, King County Metro bus service and work by the state Department of Transportation on the three major highways that run through the city.
Our work is guided by the City Council based on recommendations from staff and the council-appointed Transportation Commission.
The Transportation Department also works to comply with accessibility requirements under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
The City of Bellevue's Transportation Department is an American Public Works Association (APWA) accredited agency.
Staff contact information is listed on most department web pages. If you want to comment on or make suggestions about the Transportation Department web pages, please contact Gillian Hagstrom, public information officer, at ghagstrom@bellevuewa.gov.