If a user browses the city website or downloads data, some information will be collected automatically. This information will not identify the user personally. It is used only to improve this site by telling the city the number of visitors and the types of browsers and operating systems visitors are using. The following information is collected each time someone visits the city website:

  • The internet domain name (e.g. aol.com or comcast.net) from which a user accesses the city website. Note: this is not an internet address;
  • The internet protocol address from which a visitor connects to the city website. The IP address is a number assigned to a user’s computer or provided by an Internet service provider whenever someone browses the Internet. The city uses this address to send data users request back to them;
  • The type of browser used to visit the city website;
  • The type of operating system used;
  • The date and time a user visits the city website;
  • The specific pages visited on the city website; and
  • If a visitor linked to the city website from another website, the address of that site.

The city will not: share personal information gathered on this website with other agencies or persons unless required by law; create personal profiles or provide personal information to private organizations; or collect and/or sell information for commercial marketing.

Personal Information

In some cases a user may choose to provide the city or its agents with personal information, by filling out an online form or sending email. This may consist of information such as name, address or phone number. The information provided will be used only for a specific purpose, in most cases to enable the city to provide requested information. However, once submitted, that information becomes a public record subject to disclosure.

Users may review any personal information the city or its agents collect about them and may recommend changes to any personal information by submitting a written request. Usually, a user can change his or her personal information directly. If a user believes their personal information is being used for a purpose other than what was intended when submitted, that person contact website managers at webmanager@bellevuewa.gov. In all cases, the city will take reasonable steps to verify a user’s identify before granting access or making corrections.

Site Security

The city has taken steps to safeguard the information on its site including monitoring, auditing and encryption. Security measures are taken as a part of the implementation of all city software and hardware infrastructure to mitigate risk. The city, however, cannot warrant as fail-proof the security of information collected or provided via this website. Unauthorized attempts to change information on this site or upload information are strictly prohibited. The city’s privacy and security policy does not apply to outside sites.

Subscription Services

The city and its agents offer users the option of having specified information sent to them by email, phone text or website feed. The city will only collect the user data necessary to provide requested information. Only requested or emergency information will be sent using that data.

Neither the city nor its agents sell or rent mailing lists of its subscribers to any organization. The city may provide lists of its subscribers to project partner government agencies, and then only to provide customized information to residents or business owners who may be served by receipt of that information. Please note: The city and its agents may be required to provide email lists to third parties if the information is requested under state public disclosure law.

Subscribers have the permanent option to unsubscribe from any subscription services offered. Subscribers may at any time modify their contact information or remove their address entirely from the system.

Sharing of Information

  • When the city allows its staff members to communicate potentially confidential data over the Internet, authentication procedures and encryption schemes for potentially confidential data must be in place.
  • The city may electronically share information between programs with related missions when the purpose for such sharing is to improve service delivery.

Records Management

  • The city will stay informed of and adhere to applicable public records laws and statutes.
  • The city will retain only those records that explicitly serve a government purpose, as mandated by statute or regulation.
  • The city has a duty to make known the procedures it has in place for the inspection of information held about an individual or other entity.
  • The Information Technology Department will save a “snapshot” of the city’s website on a monthly basis for public records retention purposes.


  • The city is neither responsible nor liable for any delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions arising from use of this site or any material posted on the site. The city site and all materials contained on it are distributed and transmitted “as is” without warranties of any kind.
  • The city is not responsible for any type of damages that may arise from the use of, or the inability to use, the site and/or the materials contained on the site whether the materials contained on the site are provided by the city or a third party.
  • The city is neither responsible nor liable for any viruses or other contamination of visitors’ systems.

Cookies and Plug-ins

Cookies are simple text files stored on visitors’ computers by their web browsers. Cookies provide a method of distinguishing among visitors to a website and are frequently utilized to confirm the integrity of online transactions. If cookies are used, they will not contain personally identifiable information or otherwise compromise users’ privacy or security.

Plug-ins are tools downloaded to users’ computers to work with their software. Plug-ins are intended to enhance the browsing experience by enabling users to view information in a unique manner or enable access to information.

Online Services

If, during a visit to the city’s website, users access online services, the city will collect additional information related directly to those services.

Electronic Commerce

The city’s electronic commerce websites allow users the option to do business with the city over the internet, including making electronic payments for goods and services. Such transactions are allowed only under tightly controlled circumstances, where there are appropriate technological and other safeguards in place to protect financial and other sensitive data. Wherever possible, financial information is not seen or collected by the city itself. Instead, designated banks route the data, transfer the funds and confirm payment to both the user and the city unless the customer has signed a written request that the city retain such information.

There may be some variation in the handling of financial data, depending on the method of payment users choose. However, in all cases, measures including but not limited to encryption are used to ensure the integrity and security of users’ financial information. The provision of this information must not be construed in any way as giving business, legal or other advice, or warranting as fail-proof the security of information provided via city-supported websites.

Private Vendors

The city may use private vendors to provide online services as a means to reduce costs and improve services. These vendors are acting on behalf of the city and will abide by the relevant city policies.