The City of Bellevue ensures residents have access to a range of key services, including: drinking water; wastewater treatment; construction permitting; police protection and fire service.
For prompt service for everything from a broken streetlight to a pothole, please use our MyBellevue service portal. For any kind of emergency, please call 911. Otherwise, key services are listed below or you can search for one.
Addressing common needs for the people of Bellevue, including code enforcement in neighborhoods, community services, conflict resolution (mediation) and Neighborhood Outreach.
Apply for a Public Defender
You have the right to have an attorney represent you on any criminal charge. If you cannot afford an attorney, you may qualify for the appointment of a public defender.
Business Taxes and Licenses
The City of Bellevue administers a local Business & Occupation (B&O) tax. Businesses that meet certain criteria are required to obtain a City of Bellevue Business License and file and pay applicable taxes.
Chemical Dependency Treatment Resources
Below you will find a list of Community Crisis Assistance Team resources for substance use disorder help.
Concealed Pistol License
The Bellevue Police Department accepts concealed pistol license applications in person, including applications for original, replacement, renewal and late renewal concealed pistol licenses.
Domestic Violence Assistance
In Washington State, it is a crime if your partner hurts you physically, forces you to have sex, threatens to hurt or kill your children, stalks or harasses you or destroys your property.
Homelessness in Bellevue
With the number of unsheltered people on the Eastside growing, the city is engaged in multiple efforts to address homelessness.
Immigrant and Refugee Resources
The City of Bellevue is committed to serving all residents, including many immigrants and refugees who make their home here.
Mini City Hall
Mini City Hall is a neighborhood service center extending city services and community connections to Bellevue’s diverse population.
My Utility Account
The City of Bellevue bills every two months for drinking water, wastewater, and storm and surface water. If you have questions about your utility bill, call 425-452-6973.
MyBellevue Customer Assistance
Report issues, request services and ask questions here, through the MyBellevue customer assistance portal.
Navigating the Legal System in Bellevue
The City Attorney's Office advises city government and officials, rather than individuals. Individuals must find their own lawyers for legal advice and representation.
Parks Rentals
Whether you are looking for a place for a wedding, an extended family gathering or any large party for up to 250 guests, Bellevue Parks & Community Services has a facility to meet your needs! From visitor centers and a theater to large, modern community centers, you are sure to find the perfect place to host your gathering.
In Development Services we review plans and issue permits for construction projects and land uses. The permit process includes the permit application, plan review, contractor approval and inspections.
Pet Licenses
Regional Animal Services of King County provides animal control, animal shelter and pet licensing services to Bellevue, along with many neighboring cities and unincorporated King County.
Public Records Requests
Public records requests should be directed to the public records officer, submitted online through our Public Records Portal.
Traffic Safety Requests
You can enter an online request for a variety of neighborhood safety measures. Relevant staff will then follow up with you based on your request.