Public records requests should be directed to the public records officer, submitted online through our Public Records Portal. Requests for police public records and building and land use permit records can also be submitted online through the portal.

Please note that you will be required to create an account for the Public Records Portal and provide at least one contact method. Passwords do not expire.

Requesting Records

Under the Public Records Act, you may request specific, identifiable records. If you are not aware of the title of a specific record, please include information such as subject matter, dates, location, physical address and persons involved.

A request can be submitted online, emailed or in-person at City Hall.

The City will respond within 5 business days with one of the following:
1. Provision of the record.
2. Acknowledgement of receipt of request and a reasonable estimate of the time the city will need to respond.
3. Denial of the request.

Please note that additional time may be required because of the need to seek clarification from the requestor. locate and assemble records requested, to notify third parties or agencies affected by a request or to determine whether any of the information requested is exempt from release.

Our Public Records Disclosure Policy offers complete details of the request process.

Reviewing and Accessing Requested Records

Once the responsive records have been assembled, we will either send you the records electronically or you will notified that the records are available for review in the city's Public Records Center.

Copies of records can be made after the review. Staff can produce smaller quantities for a fee or may suggest sending to a vendor at a competitive cost. 

Records Exemptions and Appeals

A request may be fully denied or in part. RCW 42.56 lists reasons for exemption of information to the public. Additional information can be found at the Municipal Research and Services Center (MRSC) website, scroll to Appendix C.

A person who objects to the initial denial or partial denial of a request may petition in writing to the Public Records Officer for a review of the decision. Upon receipt of the petition, the Public Records Office will promptly provide the petition and other relevant information to the City Attorney or his or her designee. The City Attorney or his or her designee will affirm or reverse the denial within two business days.

Other Resources

New Business license information as well as a range of data can be found on the city's Open Data Portal.

Please contact King County Recorders Office for birth, death, marriage and divorce records.