As an employment hub and population center on the Eastside with more than 150,000 workers and 148,000 residents, Bellevue supports alternatives to single-occupancy vehicles for getting into, out of and around the city. To encourage that, the city has created Choose Your Way Bellevue, a one-stop resource for transportation alternatives to driving alone. See the links below for detailed information about each transportation mode. The city also has a Transportation Demand Management Program to encourage transportation modes other than solo driving and to maximize the efficiency of our existing transportation system.
Benefits of transportation alternatives
Whether people choose to take a bus, walk, carpool or ride a bike, residents and commuters will realize benefits, including less traffic and less air pollution. Reducing trips helps manage congestion, lowers spending on new transportation facilities and lessens neighborhood impacts. It can also help the city meet its goals for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from transportation, which accounts for approximately 44% of community-wide emissions in Bellevue.
Choose your way to get around

Choose Your Way by Bike
The bike webpage on the Choose Your Way Bellevue website provides helpful resources such as maps, how-to guides and links to other information.

Choose Your Way by Transit
The transit webpage on the Choose Your Way Bellevue website has all the information you need to get around by bus or light rail.

Choose Your Way by Walking
The walk webpage on the Choose Your Way Bellevue website offers maps, guides, links to useful apps, and other information.

Choose Your Way by Vanpool
The share the ride webpage on the Choose Your Way Bellevue website tells you how to get started with vanpooling and links to a ton of vanpool information across the region.

Choose Your Way by Carpool
The share the ride webpage on the Choose Your Way Bellevue website has information on both traditional carpooling and dynamic carpooling.

Choose Your Way to School
The SchoolPool webpage on the Choose Your Way Bellevue website introduces people to a program that families and students can explore for sustainable transportation options in their commute.