Last updated: January 23
The following traffic advisories reflect current conditions as they are known. The listings below reflect construction work that can affect travel on city streets, sidewalks and trails (note: excludes individual lane closures or lane and sidewalk closures associated with development projects). Expect traffic delays or use an alternate route, if possible. Please obey construction signs and flaggers. Construction schedules are subject to change and often do.
This page is typically updated each Thursday. New information is noted by the word "New" and "Updated" in each category. To receive updates via text or email, select the "subscribe" button.
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Current construction impacts
- NE 4th Street between 100th Ave NE - Bellevue Way: Eastbound NE 4th St. will close 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Mon., Jan. 27 to remove the existing light pole. Eastbound traffic will have access from 100th Ave NE to Bellevue Square Mall Parking Garage. Traffic exiting the parking garage must turn westbound and follow the detour. A second closure is planned for 7 a.m. – 4 p.m. on Mon., Feb 3 to install the new light pole.
- NEW — Main St between 101st Ave NE and 100th Ave NE: Full road closure scheduled Tues., Jan. 28 from 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. for a contractor to remove a temporary cell tower for a utility provider. The parking garage to Astoria Building (10047 Main St). will remain open to traffic and flaggers will be on site to help people walking and rolling access storefronts near the work zone.
- SE 16th Street between 160th – 164th Avenues SE: 24-hour closure of SE 16th St between Mon., Feb 3 – Mon., Feb. 10 for a private developer to begin installing a new sewer line. Local access to driveways on SE 16th St. will be maintained. Traffic will detour using 160th Ave SE, SE 9th Street and 164th Ave SE.
Ongoing construction impacts
- 124th Avenue NE from Ichigo Way to Northup Way: Crews have begun final construction activities which will take place through the fall including removing construction vehicles and equipment and restoring private properties impacted by the project. Intermittent single-lane closures may be required to complete this work. As you approach the work area, please lower your speeds and follow all flagger instructions, including electronic and detour message signs. The project is anticipated to be substantially complete in fall 2024. More information is available on the project webpage.
- UPDATED — 130th Avenue NE - BelRed Road to NE 20th Street: Starting Feb. 4, traffic on 130th Avenue NE will shift into a single, southbound-only lane to continue demolition, grading and utility work on the east side of 130th Avenue NE. Signed detour via 132nd between NE 20th and Bel-Red Road. Local access to businesses will be maintained. Construction anticipated through July 2025. More information is available on the project webpage.
Other agency projects
- Washington State Department of Transportation: SR 520 Bridge Replacement and HOV Program. More information on project webpage.
- SR 520 will close in both directions across Lake Washington between the Eastside and I-5 from 9 p.m. to 5 a.m. on the nights of Thurs., Jan. 23, Tues., Jan. 28 and Wed., Jan. 29. The SR 520 Trail will remain open.
- Washington State Department of Transportation: I-405 Burlington Northern Bridge to Pedestrian Trail Bridge & I-90/East Fork Issaquah Creek Seismic: More information on project webpage
- Northup Way from 116th Avenue NE to NE 33rd Place: Northup Way is reduced to one lane between 116th Avenue NE and NE 33rd Place. The long-term closure will be in effect daily from 7:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Monday-Friday. Flaggers will alternate traffic through the work zone.
- Washington State Department of Transportation: I-90 - Sunset Creek - Fish Passage: More information on project webpage.
- HOV on-ramp from 142nd Place Southeast to westbound I-90: Starting Feb. 26, the westbound I-90 HOV lane between 142nd Place Southeast and I-405 will close for up to two years for the next stage of construction. This also includes an extended closure of the HOV on-ramp from142nd Place Southeast to westbound I-90. Signed detours will guide people around the ramp closures. Sound Transit and King County Metro will reroute bus routes that serve the 142nd Place Southeast HOV on-ramp.
- One-lane alternating traffic started Nov. 28 2023 for up to 18 months while WSDOT constructs a bridge over Sunset Creek. Temporary signals will be in place for traffic control.
- A long-term closure of the Mountains to Sound Greenway trail is in effect through spring 2024 to create a work zone between 132nd Avenue SE and an area just east of the Sunset Ravine Trail. A signed detour will guide people rolling and walking around the work zone using the sidewalk on the south side of SE 36th Street.
- Washington State Department of Transportation: Renton to Bellevue I-405 Widening and Express Toll Lane Project: More information on project webpage.
- Temporary one-way directional signals along Lake Washington Blvd SE in the Lakehurst Lane neighborhood. The signals are at the north and south end of the work zone and the intersections of Lakehurst Lane SE and Bagley Lane. The signals are required for metering drivers through one-lane during non-working hours. Ecoblocks and construction equipment occupy the northbound lane of Lake Washington Blvd SE between112th Avenue SE and Newcastle Beach Park. The temporary one-way directional signals are anticipated through November and could extended if there are construction issues or weather delays.
- King County Eastrail: More information on project webpage.
- King County Coal Creek Sewer Upgrade Project: King County Wastewater Treatment Division is upgrading its regional sewer line that serves Bellevue and Newcastle. More information on project website.
- King County North Mercer Island/Enatai Sewer Upgrade Project: Crews will locate utilities in north Mercer Island and southwest Bellevue to prepare for major construction activities from spring 2022 and extend until 2025. Sign up for Enatai project area email and text updates from King County on project webpage.
Highway traffic information
Three major highways run through Bellevue. At any given time the state Department of Transportation may be working on projects that can affect traffic in Bellevue. For the most up-to-date information on construction activity, visit WSDOT's web pages: