Project Details
Bellevue Transportation has entered the final phases of work for the 124th NE Ichigo Way to Northup Way project which began construction in June 2023. Improvements to this section of 124th Avenue Northeast, from Ichigo Way (formerly Northeast 18th Street) to Northup Way, included raising the roadway and widening it to five lanes. Other upgrades: a multi-purpose pathway on the west side of 124th, between Northeast 16th Street and Ichigo Way only, and sidewalks on both sides of the roadway, separated from the street by landscape planters and construct a culvert that fish and wildlife can navigate (full project description and budget information).
What is complete:
- Widening and regrading of the roadway
- Final paving and channelization of the roadway
- Installation of the fish and wildlife culvert
- Installation of all underground utilities and drainages
- Construction of new retaining walls
- Construction of sidewalks and planters
What is ahead:
This summer, crews will work along 124th Avenue Northeast to complete the remaining construction activities:
- Installation and testing of new streetlights and traffic signals on 124th Avenue Northeast.
- Landscaping is in progress.
- Continue restoring private properties impacted by construction.
- Removing construction equipment and vehicles from the work area
- Additional work, such pedestrian railings, complete landscaping and some other minor work is scheduled through early 2025.
- The project is estimated to be substantially complete in early fall 2024.
Intermittent single-lane closures may be required to complete this work. As you approach the work area, please lower your speeds and follow all flagger instructions, including electronic and detour message signs. Thank you for your patience during construction and for doing your part to be safe near the work zone.
The 124th Avenue Northeast project will enhance access and circulation for cars, transit, freight, pedestrians and bicycles between Downtown Bellevue, Wilburton and the BelRed area. It will accommodate future growth and new land uses in the area and ensure coordinated design, implementation and appropriate cost sharing with the East Link light rail project.
- Fall 2024: Anticipated construction completion
- March 2023: Construction begins
- October 2022: Construction contract awarded to Active Construction Inc.
- 2017: Funding finalized through a Federal Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act (TIFIA) loan from the U.S. Department of Transportation
Total project budget of $41.1 million is partially funded by a TIFIA loan. Approved 2021-2027 Capital Investment Program Budget Sheet.
Outreach materials
- Construction alert (June 2023)
- Construction alert (March 2023)
- Electrical tower replacement/monopole installation construction alert (September 2020)
- Roadway cross-section diagram
- Urban design elements diagram