The public right-of-way (ROW) generally refers to streets and other public property reserved for public use, including walkways, sidewalks, bikeways and horse trails. This includes air rights, subsurface rights and easements related to them. The right of way often extends well into what appears to be private property.
The Right-of-Way Procedures Manual serves as a comprehensive guide for anyone conducting activities within the public right-of-way. Whether you are looking to construct a new building, install a new utility, remove a tree or replace a driveway, it provides guidance to minimize conflicts, promote public safety and welfare, and ensure compliance with city standards, policies, and guidelines.
The manual addresses common issues related activity in the public right-of-way but may not address every possible situation. For additional information, see the resources below:
- Right-of-Way Boundaries
- ROW Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)
- If you need any clarification on any of the items found within the manual, please contact the Right of Way Management team at or 425-452-4189.
Right of Way Procedures Manual
Navigate to specific sections of the manual using the links below or access the full document here: Right-of-Way Procedures Manual.
Chapter 2: Right-of-Way Permit Types
Chapter 3: Other City of Bellevue Permits
Chapter 4: Right-of-Way Inspections
Chapter 6: Commercial Activity with the Right-of-Way
Chapter 7: On-street Parking Management
Chapter 8: Other Uses of the Right-of-Way
Chapter 9: Encroachments, Street Vacations and Dedications
Chapter 10: Other Right-of-Way Requirements and Issues
Chapter 11: Franchise Utilities
Appendix A: Pre-con Checklist–Disturbance of Surface
Appendix B: Sample Assignment of Savings Form
Appendix C: Sample Hold Harmless and Indemnity Agreement
Appendix D: ROW Use General Conditions
Appendix E: Traffic Control Guidelines
Appendix F: Traffic Control Supervisor Roles and Responsibilities
Appendix G: APWA Uniform Color Code Handout
Appendix H: Sidewalk Café Standards
Appendix I: Over-Legal Vehicles and Loads Policy
Appendix J: Holiday Lighting Brochure
Appendix K: Pedestrian Access During Construction Projects
Appendix L: Tree Replacement Guidelines
Appendix M: Tree Management in the ROW
Appendix N: Link Light Rail Track Access Requirements
Appendix O: Curb Transition Details
Appendix P: Electrical Undergrounding Requirements and Variance Request
During the holiday season, the city restricts the hours that city crews, contractors and franchise utility companies can work on busy roadways. A seasonal work restrictions map shows the affected corridors.
The Holiday Right-of-Way Restrictions are in place starting the Wednesday before Thanksgiving until early January.
The reasons for the restrictions are to limit impacts on the transportation system, increase safety and promote economic vitality during the busy holiday shopping season. Impacts from the work can affect pick-up and delivery services, the transit system and emergency responses during adverse weather conditions. If you have questions or concerns, please contact