Projects included in the Capital Improvement Program Plan are derived from a number of sources. They include long-range plans adopted by the City Council and commissions, needs assessments, public surveys, and requests from residents and from the business community. Improvements are implemented over a seven-year period. Project design, land acquisition, construction costs and the projected means of financing these costs are the main components of a project.
In this section, you will find major Transportation Department projects
in design or construction. In addition to project-specific web pages, an interactive Capital Projects map shows locations and provides at-a-glance information about all of Bellevue's major capital projects.
A "Construction Happens" brochure provides general information about project schedules, timing and benefits. It also explains how staying informed will help you get around during a busy construction season.
The Transportation Department conducts studies and plans well in advance of project construction. During the planning stage information is shared and people are invited to help shape projects to meet their needs.
The Real-time traffic map and cameras, along with regularly updated Traffic advisories, alert motorists of traffic impacts and help them find the best route around construction zones. The Transportation Department's Twitter page, @BvueTrans, has additional information on local projects.