New projects include facilities to create a safe and connected bike network for commuting, recreation and family activities. Project descriptions, costs and levy funding are subject to change. The following projects, along with all Levy-funded projects, can be found on an interactive map.
Completed Projects
- 108th Avenue NE Complete Street Project: Install bicycle safety improvements to the 108th Avenue Bikeway (described below) that were implemented in 2018. Continuous bike lanes, new bike signals, upgrade existing mid-block pedestrian crossings; add red pavement markings at the Bellevue Transit Center, enhance existing floating bus platform near NE 2nd Street, resurface pavement at NE 2nd Street intersection, designate more passenger loading/unloading curb space and modify traffic signal operations to improve safety. (project webpage). Construction Alert (June 2020)
- 108th Avenue NE — Main Street to NE 12th Street Downtown Demonstration Bikeway: Install, as a demonstration project, designated space to ride along 108th Avenue NE in downtown. Separated bike lanes, striped bike lanes, bright green pavement markings, shared lane pavement markings. Project flyer (June 2018), bus platform construction flyer (October 2018); Project webpage. Completed July 2018.
- 108th Avenue NE — NE 12th to NE 24th Street: Sharrows and wayfinding signage to identify neighborhood bike route to increase visibility of bicyclists along corridor. Project flyer. Completed August 2018.
- 108th Avenue SE Enatai Bicycle Improvements: Bike lanes on both sides of 108th Avenue SE from SE 34th Street to SE 21st Street. Project flyer. Completed August 2018
- 112th Avenue NE — Phase 1: NE 12th Street to SR 520 and 108th Avenue NE from Northup Way: Bike facilities in both directions, two new pedestrian crossings and a new northbound left-turn lane at the intersection of 112th Avenue NE and NE 24th Street. Completed July 2019. Project Flyer with Chinese translation (April 2018); Project flyer (September 2018)
- 119th Avenue SE Bike Lanes: Install separated bike lanes from SE 60th Street to SE 56th Street. Completed May 2020.
- 130th Avenue NE Bike Lanes: Install bike shoulders in both directions on 130th Avenue NE from Northup Way to NE 24th Street, in coordination with the 2019 Pavement Management Program. Completed April 2020.
- 139th Avenue SE — SE Eastgate Way to Kamber Road Bike Lanes: Conventional bike lanes on both sides of 139th Avenue SE, from SE Eastgate Way to Kamber Road. Between SE Eastgate Way and SE 32nd Street, a buffered lane will be installed on east side of street. Completed August 2018.
- 142nd Avenue SE — SE 36th to SE 32nd Street Bike Project: Install conventional bike lane in the uphill (northbound) direction on the east side and shared lane markings on the west side of 142nd from SE 36th Street to SE 32nd Street. Completed July 2018.
- 156th Avenue SE — SE 24th Street to Lake Hills Boulevard Bike Project: Install bicycle lanes in both directions along 156th Avenue, from SE 24th Street to Lake Hills Boulevard in coordination with the city's Overlay Program. Completed September 2019. Project flyer/No parking notice (May 2018)
- Bike Counters: Install in-pavement bicycle counters at 14 locations to collect 24/7 usage data along bike lanes and shared use paths. Corridors include those with previously existing and recently implemented bicycle infrastructure improvements. Completed August 2019. View bicycle count information on the Pedestrian and Bicycle Count Map.
- East Bellevue Demonstration Greenway: Install quick-build, low-cost treatments intended to make the Greenway more comfortable for people of all ages and abilities to safely bicycle, walk and roll. The Greenway corridor is along 165th and 166th avenues between SE 14th Street and Northup Way. Completed August 2021. See project webpage for more details.
- Eastgate Way — Richards Road to SE 35th Place Bike Lanes: Separated bike lanes from Richards Road to 150th Avenue SE, including curb and post dividers and other safety features at key locations. Striped bike lanes with painted buffers were possible from 150th Avenue SE to SE 35th Place. New platform, crosswalk and median island at the existing bus stop at SE Eastgate Way and 146th Place SE. Completed September 2019.
- Factoria Boulevard SE Safe Bike Route to School: Engineering surveying and preliminary concept development was completed; future project is contingent on available budget and additional design analysis. Completed August 2019.
- Lake Washington Boulevard — South City Limits to Lake Washington Loop Trail. Sharrows on both sides of 106th and Lake Washington Boulevard SE. Improvements supported through Pavement Overlay Program. Completed August 2017.
- Main Street Bikeway — Bellevue Way to 108th Avenue NE: Extend the eastbound buffered bike lane through 108th Avenue NE; extend the westbound striped bike lane from 108th to 106th avenues; repurpose one of two eastbound travel lanes to provide street space for bicyclists, and add an eastbound right turn lane at 108th Avenue NE. Completed October 2019. Construction Alert/Project Fact Sheet (Sept. 2019)
- NE 24th Street — Bellevue Way to 112th Avenue NE: Bike pavement markings on NE 24th Street to increase visibility of bicyclists traveling along corridor. Completed September 2017.
- NE 24th Street — Northup Way to SR 520 Trail: Separated bike lanes on both sides of NE 24th Street from Northup Way to the SR 520 Trail (just west of 23rd Place). Serves as a connection to the SR 520 regional trail. Completed June 2018.
SE 8th St and 112th Ave SE bike improvements: Add buffer to existing westbound SE 8th St bike lane as it approaches 112th Ave SE. Install new crosswalk across north leg of 112th Ave SE to connect to path on the west side of 112th Ave SE. Project is component of larger pavement overlay project on SE 8th St. Completed July 2021.
SE 38th Street — I-90 Overpass to 154th Avenue SE: Conventional bike lanes on both sides of SE 38th Street, from the I‐90 pedestrian/bike overpass to 150th Avenue, and separated bike lanes on both sides of SE 38th Street from 150th Avenue SE to 154 Avenue SE, with an on‐street pedestrian path on the north side in same location. Completed July 2018.
- SE Newport Way East of 150th Avenue SE — 152nd Avenue SE to Lakemont Boulevard SE Bike Lanes: Bike lanes on both sides of SE Newport Way from 152nd Avenue SE to SE 42nd Place and separated bike lanes from SE 42nd Place to Lakemont Boulevard SE. September 2019.
- SE Newport Way West of 150th Avenue SE — Factoria Boulevard SE to 130th Place SE Bike Lanes: Extended existing bike lanes west to complete the connection to the intersection with Factoria Boulevard SE, including a new bicycle signal. Reconfigured roadway between 129th Place SE and 130th Place SE to provide on-street parking lane and buffered bike lane. Completed September 2019.
- Spot & Road Segment Improvements: Installed bicycle improvements at the following locations to improve safety and/or complete short network gaps, create connections to regional trails, and enhance existing bike lanes. Completed September 2020.
- SE Eastgate Way at Richards Road
- Lake Hills Boulevard and 148th Avenue
- Main Street and 148th Avenue
- Kamber Road — 139th Avenue SE to SE 18th Place
- SR 520 Bicycle Corridor Safety Improvements: Install bicycle safety and connectivity improvements along the 520 Trail corridor, including lane restriping, signal modifications, and bike signal installation. Improvements will be made at Northup Way and 108th Avenue NE, at Northup Way and NE 24th Street, at 148th Avenue NE and NE 29th Place, and along 120th Avenue NE between the light rail operations and maintenance facility and Northup Way. Completed January 2022. Construction Alert (Jan. 2021)
- Village Park Drive — Lakemont Boulevard to 179th Avenue SE. Separated bike lanes on both sides of Village Park Drive from Lakemont Boulevard to 179th Avenue SE. Improvements supported through Pavement Overlay Program. Completed September 2017.
Projects in planning/design
- 2022 Bike Contributions to Overlay: The 2022 Overlay Program will add painted buffers to 0.7 miles of existing bike lanes on Main Street between 140th Ave and 156th Avenue, providing two feet of separation between drivers and cyclists. Green markings at driveways and intersections will draw attention to areas where drivers and cyclists cross paths.
- Bikeway Design On-Call: To ensure that planned bikeway connections are constructed efficiently as pavement overlay occurs in the city, this project will provide conceptual bikeway designs for various pavement corridors as part of the Pavement Preservation Program, starting in 2024. This project will also produce 100% final design plans for bikeway facility spot improvements at various locations.
- Growth Corridor Bike Project Development: This project will develop project concepts and initial designs for bike facilities in Downtown, Wilburton, and BelRed that together establish a grid of safe bikeways that connect residents and employees to local destinations and regional transportation facilities including East Link and Eastrail.