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New sidewalks, trails and paths projects add sidewalks that provide walking access to neighborhoods, schools, parks, shopping and other local neighborhood destinations. Project descriptions, project costs and levy funding are subject to change. The following projects, along with all Levy-funded projects, can be found on an interactive map.
Completed projects
- 105th Avenue SE Sidewalk (Safe Routes to School Project): Built 6-foot wide sidewalk on east side of 105th Avenue SE between Wolverine Way and SE Cliff Place, raised crosswalk at SE Cliff Place, parking areas where feasible, flashing school zone sign between 345 and 355 105th Ave SE. Completed September 2021.
- Construction alert (June 2021)
- Notice to impacted property owners (May 2020)
- SE Newport Way Sidewalk: Complete missing sidewalk on the south side of SE Newport Way from where the sidewalk ends in front of the South Bellevue Community Center to 150th Avenue SE. Completed September 2021. (Project webpage)
- Detour Update (April 2020)
- Construction Alert (Feb. 2020)
- 158th Place SE — Lake Hills Boulevard to Main Street: Water main replacement, six-foot wide sidewalk on east side of street, with traffic calming elements (Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon system, replace traffic circle.) Details in Construction Alert (March 2019). Completed October 2019. Also listed on Neighborhood Safety Projects page.
- Eastgate/Tyee Middle School Safety Project: Installed a sidewalk on the west side of 138th Avenue SE between SE Allen Road and SE 40th Street. Converted temporary traffic circle to mini-roundabout at 138th Avenue SE and SE 40th Street. Install school flashing beacons at strategic locations. Completed January 2020. Also listed on Neighborhood Safety Project page.
- Construction alert (June 2019)
- Project update mailer (April 2019)
- Newport Heights Traffic Safety Improvement Project (119th Avenue SE Sidewalk): Constructed a 6 foot sidewalk on west side of 119th Avenue SE from SE 56th Street to Newport Heights Elementary School, rebuild pedestrian island at the mid-block crosswalk in front of the school and install an entry island on the north leg of the intersection of SE 56th Street/119th Avenue SE. Completed September 2019. Also listed on Neighborhood Safety Project page.
- Construction Alert (June 2019)
Projects under construction
- 123rd Avenue SE Sidewalk: Complete the missing segment of sidewalk along the west side of 123rd Avenue SE from SE 60th to SE 65th Places.
- Project update mailer (January 2023)
- Construction alert mailer (June 2024)
Projects in planning/design
- NW Bellevue Walkways (100th Avenue NE and Vicinity Complete Streets Project -- Phase 2: Construct new sidewalk on the north side of NE 18th Street (98th Ave NE to 100th Ave NE), east side of 98th Ave NE (NE 18th Street to NE 20th Street), north side of NE 21st Street (98th Ave NE to 100th Ave NE), shared use walkway on the east side of 100th Ave NE (NE 17th Street to NE 24th Street) and raised intersections on 100th Ave NE at NE 14th, 18th and 21st street. Enhanced decorative crosswalks will be installed on 100th Ave NE at NE 15th Street and NE 23rd Street.
- NE 40th Street Sidewalk: This project will construct a sidewalk with planter strip on the north side of NE 40th Street from 140th Avenue NE to approximately the 14500 block, filling in the missing gap. In conjunction with the sidewalk project, bike lanes will also be implemented along the NE 40th corridor. Other elements to be included in this project are a marked pedestrian crossing near 142nd Avenue NE and storm drainage improvements. This project is being made possible by utilizing the Neighborhood Enhancement Program (NEP) funds that were voted in by the neighborhood in 2018.
- Project update mailer (June 2024)