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Neighborhood safety projects include traffic calming, speed reduction, and mid-block and other crosswalks with enhanced safety features. Project descriptions, project costs and levy funding are subject to change. The following projects, along with all Levy-funded projects, can be found on an interactive map.
Completed projects
- Highland Middle School Traffic Signal: In partnership with the Bellevue School District, construct a new traffic signal on Bel-Red Road, between 148th Avenue NE and NE 20th Street near Highland Christian School. Completed August 2020.
- 101st Avenue SE at SE 3rd Street Intersection Improvements: Add curb extensions and a raised crosswalk at 101st Avenue SE and SE 3rd Street, for Wildwood Park. Water main replacement, grind and overlay and some striping between Meydenbauer Way SE and 100th Avenue NE. Completed: Sept. 2020. Construction Alert (June 2020)
- 148th Avenue SE at SE 16th Street and at 22nd Street and Richards Road at SE 26th Street: Install five new signal poles and foundations to accommodate the new signal displays. Install left turn flashing yellow arrows in the east-west direction at: 148th Avenue SE & SE 16th Street, 148th Avenue SE & SE 22nd Street and Richards Road & SE 26th Street. Activated fall 2020. More information on the Flashing Yellow Arrow webpage.
- 100th Avenue NE and Vicinity Complete Street Project Phase 1: Project includes crosswalk improvements at NE 24th Street and 100th Avenue NE and cement concrete sidewalk with a planter strip on north side of NE 23rd Street from 98th Avenue NE to 100th Avenue NE (projects are completed). Mini-roundabout built at intersection of 100th Avenue NE and NE 10th Street. Completed: Spring 2020. See 100th Avenue NE complete Street project webpage for more information, including Phase 2 improvements.
- Construction alert mailer for mini-roundabout (Jan. 2020)
- Open House mailer (Oct. 17 2019)
- Construction notice (Aug. 2019)
- Project mailer (June 2019)
- 108th Avenue SE — Bellevue Way to Main Street: 20 MPH school zone around Bellevue High School and pedestrian improvements on SE 16th Street between 108th Avenue SE and Bellevue Way. Completed Sept. 2020. Mailer with more information
- 112th Avenue NE — NE 12th Street to SR 520 and 108th Avenue NE from Northup Way: Bike facilities in both directions, two new pedestrian crossings and a new northbound left-turn lane at the intersection of 112th Avenue NE and NE 24th Street. Project Flyer with Chinese translation (April 2018). (Also listed on Bicycle Facilities project page)
- 112th Avenue NE Corridor Improvements: Design and construct a traffic signal at the NE 24th Street and 112th Avenue NE intersection and replace root-damaged sidewalk panels to meet accessibility requirements and update curb ramps to current standards. Install a third flashing beacon at the mid-block pedestrian crossing on 112th Avenue NE and upgrade conduit infrastructure for street lighting system. Construction substantially completed; additional work on traffic signal expected spring 2022. (Also listed under Neighborhood Congestion Reduction and Maintenance).
- Construction alert (April 2021)
- Project update mailer (July 2020)
- 112th Avenue NE Lighting Improvements: Replace and install new light poles and LED fixtures at approximately 24 locations along 112th Avenue NE between NE 12th and 24th streets. This project aims to improve lighting levels along 112th Avenue NE, upgrade outdated infrastructure and build off the 112th Avenue NE Corridor Improvements aimed at increasing safety and accessibility for people who walk, roll, bicycle and drive.
- 117th Avenue SE and SE 54th Place Sidewalk: Construct a six-foot pervious sidewalk separated from traffic by a 9.5-foot planter on east side of 117th Avenue SE, from SE 54th Place, approximately 450 feet north to Newport Heights Elementary driveway.
- 156th Avenue NE — Main Street to NE 6th Street Pedestrian Improvements: Install new midblock crosswalk at NE 1st Street with rectangular rapid flashing beacon system; install sidewalk on the east side of 156th Avenue NE from NE 1st Place to NE 1st Street; enhance existing midblock crossings at NE 4th Street and NE 6th Street with new rectangular rapid flashing beacon systems. Completed April 2020.
- Construction Alert with Chinese and Spanish translation. (April 2019)
- Project Update Flyer (June 2018)
- 158th Place SE — Lake Hills Boulevard to Main Street: Water main replacement, six-foot wide sidewalk on east side of street, with traffic calming elements (Rapid Rectangular Flashing Beacon system, replace traffic circle. Completed October 2019. Details in Construction Alert (March 2019) . (Also listed on Sidewalk, Trails & Paths project page)
- Eastgate/Tyee Middle School Safety: Install a sidewalk on the west side of 138th Avenue SE between SE Allen Road and SE 40th Street. Convert temporary traffic circle to mini-roundabout at 138th Avenue SE and SE 40th Street. Install school flashing beacons at strategic locations. Completed January 2020. Also listed on Sidewalk, Trails and Paths Project webpage
- Construction Alert (June 2019)
- Project Update Mailer (April 2019)
- Lake Hills Boulevard — 148th to 159th Avenues SE: Install three flashing crosswalk systems (rectangular rapid flashing beacons or RRFB) at Lake Hills Boulevard and 159th Avenue SE, at the Lake to Lake Trail crossing and and 154th Avenue SE. As part of this levy safety project, radar feedback signs were also installed in 2019 to help reduce vehicle speeds. Completed December 2020.
- NE Bellevue Crosswalk Grant Match: Flashing crosswalk at 6 crosswalk sites (5 existing; 1 new) in northeast Bellevue near Interlake High and Sherwood Elementary Schools and along Northup Way. Completed June 2021. Construction Alert (June 2019)
- Newport Heights Traffic Safety Improvement Project (119th Avenue SE Sidewalk): Construct a 6 foot sidewalk on west side of 119th Avenue SE from SE 56th Street to Newport Heights Elementary School, rebuild pedestrian island at the mid-block crosswalk in front of the school and install an entry island on the north leg of the intersection of SE 56th Street/119th Avenue SE. Completed September 2019. (Also listed on Sidewalk, Trails and Paths Project webpage)
- Construction Alert (June 2019)
- SE 16th Street Walkway Improvements: Raised crosswalk on SE 16th Street at 160th Avenue SE, curb/gutter sidewalk on the south side of SE 16th Street from 160th Avenue SE to the cul-de-sac, marked crosswalk across the cul-de-sac, speed radar signs combined with 20 mph school zone flashing beacons for eastbound and westbound directions (existing radar sign will be removed). Sidewalk alignment chosen to minimize tree removal of no more than five while maximizing pedestrian safety. Completed July 2020. Construction alert (April 2020)
- SE 54th Place and SE 52nd Street Sidewalks: Constructed sidewalk along the north side of SE 54th Place, where missing, west of 119th Avenue SE, and along the south side of SE 52nd Street between 117th Avenue SE and 119th Avenue SE.
- Project update mailer (January 2023)
- Speed Limit Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) Update: The city’s long standing standard operating procedure for evaluating speed limits is being updated to account for new industry research. A consultant that specializes in speed limits has been hired to guide the city through this update.
Projects under construction
- Crosswalk Improvements at Kamber Road, 160th Avenue SE and Forest Drive: Install two new marked crosswalks on Kamber Road (at SE 24th and SE 20th streets) with flashing beacon (RRFB) crosswalks, upgraded curb ramps and pedestrian landing areas; enhance two existing crosswalks on 160th Avenue SE, at SE 33rd Street and in the SE 3000 block, with new flashing beacons, upgraded curb ramps, new landscaped traffic islands and new lighting; and add five flashing beacons on Forest Drive at existing crosswalks and add one new crosswalk.
- Construction alert - Kamber Road (April 2022)
- Construction alert - 160th Avenue SE (April 2022)
- Construction alert - Forest Drive (April 2022)
- Crosswalk Improvements at Main Street and 14300 block, 145th Place NE and 153rd Place NE: Pedestrian crossing and traffic calming. Flashing beacons at crosswalks at Main Street and trail crossing at the 14300 block, 145th Place NE and 153rd Place NE.
- Construction alert (January 2024)
- NE 8th Street and I-405 Crossing Improvements: This project will improve the experience and safety of people walking and rolling along NE Eighth Street over I-405 and improve the look of the crossing which serves as a gateway into downtown Bellevue. It will install new marked crosswalks, install and upgrade curb ramps, install new flashing beacons, and add landscaping to traffic islands and improve existing landscaping in the medians. This project was selected through the Neighborhood Enhancement Program.
- Construction alert mailer (March 2025)
Projects in planning/design
- 164th Avenue NE and NE 12th Street Crosswalk: Construct new marked crosswalk and rapid rectangular flashing beacon (RRFB) on 164th Avenue NE at NE 12th Street.
- 173rd Avenue NE Traffic Calming: This project will install traffic calming measures to improve safety along the 173rd Ave NE between Northup Way and the Bellevue-Redmond city limits, as well as sidewalk improvements at select segments of the corridor.
- Lakemont Area Flashing Crosswalks: This project will construct rectangular rapid flashing beacon (RRFB) systems at three different locations in the Lakemont area: Lakemont Blvd SE and SE 58th Street, 164th Avenue SE and SE 46th Street, and 167th Avenue SE and SE 46th Street. The goal of the project is to provide a safer environment for pedestrians to cross the road and alert the drivers on the road to yield for crossing pedestrians.
- Lakemont Boulevard at Red Town Trailhead Pedestrian Crossing: Install equipment and signage at the site of new private development on the north side of Lakemont Boulevard to connect with Red Town Trailhead.
- Main Street at 101st and 103rd Avenues: Construct concrete raised intersection at Main Street and 101st Avenue and install rapid rectangular flashing beacon (RRFB) at marked crosswalk at Main Street and 103rd Avenue. Project will also include ADA improvements, minor storm improvement, channelization and signing.
- NE 8th Street at 95th and 98th Avenues NE Crosswalk Project: This project will improve the pedestrian crossings at two locations along NE 8th Street at the cross streets of 95th Avenue NE and 98th Avenue NE. These locations both have existing crosswalks and will be enhanced by upgrading curb ramps to be ADA compliant and adding rapid rectangular flashing beacons.
- NE 24th Street at 171st Avenue SE Crosswalk Project: Construct new marked crosswalk and rapid rectangular flashing beacon (RRFB); reconstruct and extend existing sidewalk on south side of NE 24th St and add sidewalk on north side of NE 24th St; construct new bus pad at existing stop.
- NE 28th Street Traffic Calming: Install roadway narrowing and traffic calming measures on NE 28th Street from 164th Avenue NE to Ardmore Park.
- NW Bellevue Walkways (100th Avenue NE and Vicinity Complete Streets Project -- Phase 2): Construct new sidewalk on the north side of NE 18th Street (98th to 100th avenues NE), east side of 98th Avenue NE (NE 18th to 20th streets), north side of NE 21st Street (98th to 100th avenues NE), shared use walkway on the east side of 100th Avenue NE (NE 17th to 24th streets) and raised intersections on 100th Avenue NE at NE 14th, 18th and 21st street. Enhanced decorative crosswalks will be installed on 100th Avenue NE at NE 15th Street and NE 23rd Street.
- Somerset Boulevard SE Pedestrian Circulation Enhancements: Evaluate alternatives to improve safety with the preferred option moving into design and construction. The emphasis area for the near term is along Somerset Boulevard between SE Newport Way and SE 43rd Street. Improvements may include constructing sidewalk, crosswalks, traffic calming and other enhancements.