The votes are in!
Thank you to Downtown/BelRed residents for your participation in the Neighborhood Enhancement Program.
Two new capital improvement projects will be funded from the $491,000 Downtown/BelRed allotted budget;
NE Eighth St. Pedestrian Enhancements Over Interstate 405
This project will improve safety for pedestrians crossing the I-405 ramps along NE 8th St. by marking crosswalks, adding rapid rectangular flashing beacons (RRFBs) and signalizing crossings at select locations. Existing concrete islands will be modified with shortened crosswalk lengths and vegetation. Excess pavement will be removed, and landscaping added to buffer pedestrians and improve the appearance of this important entrance into Downtown and BelRed. Since the overall project cost exceeds the funding allocation from NEP, other city programs will also support project implementation. Additional funding will be provided from the Neighborhood Safety and Connectivity Levy (CIP R-199) program. Estimated project completion: Summer 2025
Project Manager: Sara Haile (425-452-7835); SHaile@bellevuewa.gov.
Downtown Park Southeast Corner Stairs
This project constructed a new stairway at the southeast corner of the park to allow access to the Promenade from the existing crosswalk. New concrete were installed, along with a new metal handrail. Project completed: Spring 2021.
Project Manager: Ken Kroeger (425-452-4624): KKroeger@bellevuewa.gov