The votes are in! Thank you to Lake Hills residents for your participation in the Neighborhood Enhancement Program.
Six capital improvement projects will be funded from the $508,000 Lake Hills allotted budget, thanks to the 746 ballots that were returned:
Bat Houses at Lake Hills Greenbelt
This project will install a series of bat houses (two to five) along the Lake Hills Greenbelt trail system. Bats provide many benefits including:
- Bats are a vital part of the ecosystems in which they live.
- Many are considered “keystone species” because so many other plants and animals depend on them for survival.
- Bats are predators of night-flying insects such as mosquitos, moths, beetles and flies. Bat droppings are one of the world’s best fertilizers.
Project completed: Spring 2023
Project Manager: Jammie Kingham (425-452-6048); jkingham@bellevuewa.gov
Wetland Improvements at Phantom Lake Park
This project will restore roughly two acres of wetland buffer around Phantom Lake. Restoration will include removing invasive plant vegetation and planting native conifer trees and native shrubs to improve water quality and wildlife habitat. Project completed: Fall 2022
Project Manager: Jammie Kingham (425-452-6048); jkingham@bellevuewa.gov
Flashing Crosswalk at Southeast Fourth Street
This project will install a new marked crosswalk and a push-activated flashing crosswalk over 156th Avenue Southeast at Southeast Fourth Street. A new concrete bus pad will be added at existing northbound bus stop. Project will require clearing shrubs and reconstructing curb ramp on east side of the street. Project completed: August 2022.
Project Manager: Ellen Webster(425-452-7671); EWebster@bellevuewa.gov
NE Sixth Street Wetlands Improvements
This project ‐ on the south side of Northeast Sixth Street, between 148th Avenue Northeast and 150th Place Southeast – will improve Kelsey Creek wetland habitat by removing invasive vegetation and replanting with native trees and shrubs. The focus of this project will be to introduce suitable conifer tree species within the existing tree canopy currently dominated with short-lived, deciduous, pioneer tree species. This increase in biodiversity will provide functional lift of the existing wetland ecosystem. Project completed: December 2022
Project Manager: Rick Bailey (425-452-6031); ribailey@bellevuewa.gov
Main Street Median Landscape Refurbishment
This project will include landscape renovation and beautification to the medians on Main Street between 140th and 156th avenues Northeast. This project will replace the existing landscaping where practical, with plant selection to specifically avoid sight distance problems and enhance neighborhood character. Existing healthy trees will remain in place and trees in decline will be removed and replaced. Actual areas to be renovated will be determined after investigation of the site and any determination of future impacts to the area. Irrigation will be upgraded to a more efficient system to further water conservation goals. Project completed: Summer 2024
Project Manager: Laura McKee (425-452-4108); lmckee@bellevuewa.gov
Robinswood Park Adult Exercise Equipment
For this project, new adult exercise equipment was installed at Robinswood similar to those at Wilburton Park play area. Project included curbing and surfacing. Project completed: March 2021
Project Manager: Ernie Podaca (425-452-42932); EPodaca@bellevuewa.gov