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Residents and staff chat on a Neighborhood Walk in 2018.
Happening Now

West Lake Sammamish NEP now is Voting Phase through July 25 

West Lake Sammamish residents-Be a part of the voting! Tell us which three projects you’d like to see funded with the $219,000 in available funds the City has allocated for your neighborhood area. Simply return the postage paid ballot that all household received in the mail in early June. Voting is by mail only and is limited to one ballot per household address, allowing you the opportunity to rate, in priority order, which three projects you feel are most deserving to be funded. Projects will be assigned points; three for first choice, two for second, and one for third. Responses will be tabulated with the highest-scoring projects receiving funding within the allocated budget amount. 

Ballots must be postmarked by Thursday, July 25th to be included in the voting process.

Northeast Bellevue now in Scoping Phase 

Northeast Bellevue residents – The project submission stage for NEP in the Northeast Bellevue neighborhood area closed on May 7th. City staff will now evaluate the ideas that residents submitted against NEP criteria and will present the eligible projects to be included on a ballot at an Open House on Thursday, September 12th. Watch your mailbox for meeting information to arrive in early September.  

The Neighborhood Enhancement Program empowers residents to propose and select modest, city-funded capital projects to enhance their neighborhoods. The program rotates through the city's 14 NEP neighborhood areas over the course of seven years, serving two areas each year. The $7 million program allocation is distributed among each of the neighborhood areas, according to the number of households in each area.

Hear what your neighbors have to say about NEP and learn about the process from the video "What is NEP?"


When NEP comes to your neighborhood area, it follows a sequence.

  1. Solicitation: Residents submit project ideas (mail, website or kick-off meeting).
  2. Scoping: Staff review project ideas using screening criteria and generate ballot projects.
  3. Preview: Residents review ballot projects at public open house.
  4. Voting: Households in the neighborhood area receive ballots in the mail to vote for three projects of their choice.
  5. Implementation: The city implements projects that receive the most votes within five years.
image of park boardwalk project
image of playground project
image of traffic calming project