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Residents and staff chat on a Neighborhood Walk in 2018.

Northwest Bellevue NEP projects selected by residents in 2018

Two capital improvement projects will be funded from the $315,000 Northwest Bellevue allotted budget.

1. Bellevue Way Landscape Enhancement

This project will provide for the beautification of the Bellevue Way streetscape on the west side of the boulevard that currently consists of common turf between curb and sidewalk and a mix of aging shrubs in right-of-way back of sidewalk. This project will remove the water inefficient turf, improve the soil and irrigation, and design and implement a landscape of plant combinations that will unify the streetscape of Northwest Bellevue. Opportunities on east side of Bellevue Way such as the Northtowne Park frontage will be researched for upgrades. Estimated project completion: Spring 2025.

Project Manager: Laura McKee (425-452-4108); LMcKee@bellevuewa.gov

2. 100th Ave. NE and NE 18th St. Raised Intersection 

This project will install a raised intersection at 100th Ave NE and NE 18th St to improve visibility of pedestrians crossing the street and encourage motorists to drive at a slower speed. The raised intersection will include high visibility school crosswalks and enhanced street lighting to improve safety at this key connection point for students walking to and from schools located on 98th Ave NE. Estimated Project completion: Spring 2026.

Project Manager: Benjamin Wright (425-452-2883); Bmwright@bellevuewa.gov

Process Materials & Resources

NW Bellevue NEP Newsletter 
NW Bellevue Ballot Project Descriptions (#1-9)
NW Bellevue Ballot Project Descriptions (#10-17)
NW Bellevue Voter's Pamphlet (Proposed Projects)
NW Bellevue NEP Projects Location Map
NW Bellevue April 2018 Kickoff Meeting Presentation
Northwest Bellevue Neighborhood Area Map
Northwest Bellevue Neighborhood Profile


April 2025-November 2025

