The votes are in!
Thank you to West Bellevue residents for your participation in the Neighborhood Enhancement Program.
Four new capital improvement projects will be funded from the $294,000 West Bellevue allotted budget, thanks to the 362 ballots that were returned:
Chism Beach Park Invasive Vegetation Removal and Native Planting
This project will remove non-native invasive vegetation from natural forested areas within Chism Beach Park. The scope of work will include removal of English ivy, Himalayan blackberry, English Holly, English Laurel, and other invasive vegetation from the forest floor. All the areas impacted by the removal will be replanted with native trees and shrubs that are suitable for site conditions. The new plantings will be watered and maintained by city staff until they are established and self-sustainable. This project will result in a more diverse and healthy forest ecosystem at Chism Beach Park that will enhance wildlife habitat and improve ecosystem functions. Estimated project completion: Fall 2025
Project Manager: Maryann Olson;
Street and Stair Lighting to South Bellevue Light Rail Station
SE 28th St between 108th Ave SE and 110th Ave SE; SE 28th PL east of 110th Ave SE; Stairs Lighting from 11400 blk of SE 28th Pl to 2800 blk of 112th Ave SE
This project will add street and stair lights between 108th Ave SE and the South Bellevue Light Rail Station. The cost will include and is not limited to electrical design, construction of light foundations, connections to existing electrical service, installation of new conduit and wiring, any necessary overhead work, and trenching. This project will require further evaluation by city staff to determine exact locations with available right-of-way, available electrical infrastructure, and feasibility. This project will consist of installation of up to two (2) new LED streetlights on existing PSE utility poles and one (1) new LED streetlight on a new PSE utility pole. The project will also include installation of up to five (5) new pedestrian-scale poles and LED light on the stairs between SE 28th Pl and 112th Ave SE. Stair lights will be placed in city right-of-way and require adjacent homeowner approval. Estimated project completion: Late 2024/Early 2025.
Project Manager: Brittany Quan 425-452- 6341;
West Bellevue Gateway and Streetscape Improvements
West Bellevue gateways and median including 108th Ave SE, Bellevue Way SE
This project will involve landscape renovation and beautification to medians and gateway locations near the Surrey Downs and Bellecrest neighborhoods. Work will focus on area currently landscaped gateways and medians that have plants that are approaching lifecycle replacement age missing or in poor condition and have a potential to remove invasive English ivy. Actual areas to be renovated will be determined after investigation of the sites and determination of opportunities and priorities. Where practical, irrigation will be upgraded to a more efficient system to further water conservation goals. Plants will be chosen specifically to avoid sight distance problems and enhance neighborhood character. Estimated project completion: Spring 2025.
Project Manager: Laura McKee (425-452-4108);
Additional Benches in Surrey Downs Park
This project will add three (3) new cedar benches along the park’s pathways that will match the existing wood benches in size (approx. 72” in length). Benches will be placed on new 4-foot by 7-foot concrete pads. Project completed: September 2022.
Project Manager: Ernie Podaca 425-452-2932;
A West Bellevue NEP Newsletter was mailed to each household in your area with complete voting results.
How did you like the NEP process?
The West Bellevue NEP kicked off in January 2021 with 107 resident-identified project ideas submitted. Those projects were then reviewed for accessibility, feasibility, cost, timeliness, and maintainability to determine which were eligible to become ballot projects. 10 projects were included on the ballot and voted on by area residents. The top four projects receiving votes (listed above) will be installed over the next 3-5 years.
NEP is a commitment from Bellevue’s City Council to provide residents with the opportunity to enhance their individual neighborhood areas through city-funded, small capital improvement projects. In 2015, the Council approved $5 million for the program over a seven-year period to serve two NEP programs a year. The budget is distributed among each of the NEP neighborhood areas, according to the number of households in each area.
For more information about the specifics of the city’s NEP program, contact NEP Coordinator, Theresa Cuthill at
Process Materials and Resources
- September 2021 West Bellevue NEP Project Announcement Newsletter
- June 9 2021 West Bellevue Projects Open House Meeting Presentation
- June 2021 West Bellevue Voters pamphlet
- June 2021 West Bellevue Project locations map
- June 2021 NEP Project Boards (including project descriptions)
- January 2021 West Bellevue NEP Kickoff presentation
- West Bellevue NEP Neighborhood Area Map