Northeast Bellevue voting phase is complete.
The votes are in!
Thank you to Northeast Bellevue residents for your participation in the Neighborhood Enhancement Program.
Two new capital improvement projects will be funded from the $366,000 Northeast Bellevue NEP allotted budget, thanks to the 550 ballots that were returned.
Sidewalk construction on 173rd Avenue NE from Northup Way to NE 15th Place
This project will construct approximately 1,100 feet of missing sidewalk segments on the east side of 173rd Avenue NE from Northup Way to NE 15th Pl, completing the section of sidewalk from Northup Way to Tam O’Shanter Park. **This project will receive supplemental funding from the Neighborhood Sidewalk Program, since the cost of this project exceeds the NEP area budget. Estimated completion: TBA
Project Manager: Rohit Ammanamanchi (425-452-7199); rammanamanchi@bellevuewa.gov
Ardmore Park Invasive Vegetation Removal
This project will involve the removal of non-native vegetation from Ardmore Park. The scope of work will involve the removal of non-native vegetation including ivy, blackberry, and invasive trees. The scope of work will also include the planting of native trees and shrubs with an emphasis on creating additional tree canopy where opportunity exists. The new plantings will be watered and maintained by city staff until they are established and self-sustainable. The focus will be on the South end of Ardmore Park as a continuation of an existing mitigation project, although work will occur throughout the whole site. Estimated completion: December 2028.
Project Manager: Maryann Olson (425-229-6471); molson@bellevuewa.gov
The Northeast Bellevue NEP kicked off in April 2024 with 101 resident-identified project ideas submitted. Those projects were then reviewed for accessibility, feasibility, cost, timeliness and maintainability to determine which were eligible to become ballot projects. Seven projects were included on the ballot and voted on by area residents. The top projects receiving votes (listed above) will be installed over the next 3-5 years.
Process Materials and Resources
Nov 2024 Northeast Bellevue Projects Announcement Newsletter
Sept 12 2024 Northeast Bellevue NEP Open House PPT Presentation
Northeast Bellevue NEP Voters Pamphlet Sept 2024