Check out what your neighbors are saying about NEP and learn how you can participate in this informational video: What is NEP?


The votes are in!

Thank you to Somerset residents for your participation in the Neighborhood Enhancement Program.

A new capital improvement project will be funded from the $217,000 Somerset allotted budget, thanks to the 463 ballots that were returned.

Somerset Area Greenbelts Invasive Vegetation Removal


Location: Various city managed greenbelts within the Somerset neighborhood including Somerset Park, Forest Park Open Space, Forest Park Meadows Open Space, Eastgate Park, Westwood Highlands Open Space and areas within the Coal Creek Natural Area


This project will involve the removal of non-native vegetation, with a focus on blackberry and ivy from city managed greenbelts within the Somerset neighborhood. The scope of work will include grubbing of blackberry and ivy from the forest floor, removal of ivy growing up existing native trees, removal of other non-native invasive weeds as they are encountered and will include the planting of native trees and shrubs. The new plantings will be watered and maintained by city staff until they are established and self-sustainable. Estimated project completion: Fall 2026

Project Manager: Maryann Olson;

A Somerset NEP Newsletter was mailed to each household in your area with complete voting results.

The Somerset NEP kicked off in April 2022 with 136 resident-identified project ideas submitted. Those projects were then reviewed for accessibility, feasibility, cost, timeliness, and maintainability to determine which were eligible to become ballot projects. 11 projects were included on the ballot and voted on by area residents. The top project receiving votes (listed above) will be installed over the next 3-5 years.

Presentations and Materials



April 2029 - November 2029

