The Bellevue College Connection project explores the feasibility of constructing a new transit connection through the campus on Snoqualmie River Road. A partnership between the City of Bellevue, King County Metro and Bellevue College, it has the potential to more efficiently serve the transportation needs of students, nearby residents and major employers. Representatives from the three partner agencies talk about the importance of the project in a short video.
An initial evaluation has shown that routing buses on Snoqualmie River Road could save riders as much as four minutes per trip compared with alternative routes. Preliminary design work will evaluate different alignments for Snoqualmie River Road. Elements of the evaluation will include:
- Upgrades to support a balanced transportation corridor for all users: people who walk, drive, bicycle and ride transit
- Renovations to meet transit standards on Snoqualmie River Road, between SE 32nd Street and 145th Place SE
- Intersection improvements at SE 32nd Street and at 145th Place SE
The Bellevue College Connection project has the potential to:
- Improve north-south transit speed and reliability in Bellevue, from Downtown and Crossroads, through Bellevue College, to the Eastgate Park-and-Ride and Interstate 90. The estimated time savings could be as much as six minutes per trip.
- Strengthen connections to the regional transportation network for all modes of travel
- Enhance access to the nearby Mountains to Sound Greenway Trail
- 2024 (summer): Begin work on 90% design plans
- 2023: Acquired Federal FHWA design grant for $2.1M dollars
- 2020-2023: Pursue grants to complete design work and construct the project
- 2022 (spring): Complete design work to the 30 percent level.
- 2020 (fall): Preliminary design work completed to 10 percent level.
- 2012-2017: Project concepts considered in various plans (see Background Materials section below)
Funding has been provided by the City of Bellevue, King County Metro and Bellevue College throughout the concept phase. The cost to develop the project design to the 100% level is $2,800,000 with funding from federal grants and the city’s Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Funds to construct the project will be sought through additional regional, state and federal grants.
Background material
- Design plans, 30 percent level (June 2022)
- Design plans, 10 percent level (October 2020)
- Project mailer (June 2020)
- Vicinity Map (June 2020)
- Bellevue College Campus Master Plan (2017)
- Metro Connects Plan (2017)
- Bellevue Transit Master Plan (2014)
- Early project overview (2014)
- Bellevue Transportation Strategies Report (2012)