The 156th Avenue Safety Improvements project will improve safety and traffic flow, reduce neighborhood congestion and accommodate future traffic volume.
In 2019, the city engaged the Lake Hills community in a traffic study of 156th Avenue Southeast. Community input, traffic data, collision and intersection characteristics were considered in developing concepts to improve three intersections. The intersection of 156th Avenue Southeast and Lake Hill Boulevard, near the Lake Hills Library and Shopping Center, is one of the location included in the 156th Avenue Southeast Traffic Study.
156th Avenue SE at Lake Hills Boulevard and Main Street
In January 2025, the city started on improvements to the intersection of 156th Avenue SE and Lake Hills Boulevard based on recommendations from the 2019 report. To take advantage of the construction happening nearby, the city will also make minor safety improvements and upgrade the existing traffic signal system at the intersection of 156th Avenue Southeast and Main Street at the same time.
156th Avenue SE and Lake Hills Boulevard
At this intersection, the city will:
- Replace all-way stop with new traffic signal and new street lighting
- New bike lane marking through the intersection
- Replace curb ramps to improve accessibility
- Install high-visibility crosswalks
- Grind and overlay (repave) road in construction area
156th Avenue and Main Street
At this intersection, the city will:
- Add flashing arrows for dedicated left turns in all directions.
- Replace traffic signal poles and upgrade lighting
- Replace curb ramps to improve accessibility
- Install high-visibility crosswalks
- Grind and overlay (repave) road in construction area
What to expect
- Construction: Work starting in January 2025 and is scheduled to be completed by summer 2025.
- Work hours: 7 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday through Friday
- Traffic impacts: Expect lane closure and delays during working hours. Access will be maintained for people walking and rolling. Please follow flaggers’ instructions.
Please note that construction schedules are subject to change. Thank you for your patience during construction and for doing your part to be safe near the work zone.
Project funding for design and construction is part of the 2016 voter-approved Neighborhood Safety, Connectivity and Congestion Reduction Levy, specifically funding for neighborhood congestion reduction improvements. There is also funding from the Major Maintenance Program. The estimated cost for this project is $3.2 million.
- Construction alert mailer (January 2025)
Lake Hills Neighborhood Association presentation (June 2021)
156th Avenue SE at SE 16th Street
The 2019 Traffic Study Report recommends maintaining the all-way stop and constructing pedestrian and lighting improvements. It further recommends constructing the missing segment of sidewalk along the south side of SE 16th Street, west of 156th Avenue SE, and adding stamped pavement in advance of the crosswalks to enhance visibility. Status: Funding not yet available.
156th Avenue SE at SE 24th Street
The 2019 Traffic Study Report recommends maintaining the all-way stop, enhancing lighting, and adding or upgrading sidewalks at all intersection corners and constructing a marked crosswalk with a pedestrian beacon (rectangular rapid flashing beacon) just north of the intersection on 156th Avenue SE. Status: Funding not yet available.