This project will enhance mobility and safety for people walking, biking, driving and taking transit on 120th Avenue Northeast, between the future Northeast 16th Street and Northup Way. It would be a continuation of previous corridor upgrades -- between Northeast Fourth and 16th streets -- completed in three phases from 2013 to 2018. Like the earlier work, this fourth phase would support growth and redevelopment in the Bel-Red and Wilburton areas. The improvements are being planned in coordination with Sound Transit’s 2 Line.
Design work is happening through a Three Party Agreement approved in 2015. An evaluation is being coordinated with a planned Transit-Oriented Development near Sound Transit’s Operations and Maintenance Facility-East, located on the west side of 120th Avenue Northeast. Design elements (image of proposed design) that will be considered in the feasibility study include:
- Widening the road from two to up to four through lanes, with a center lane that can be configured as needed to improve safety and vehicle circulation
- New pedestrian and bicycle facilities on both sides of the street, providing safe access to the future light rail station and nearby trail
- Removal and replacement of the existing Kelsey Creek West Tributary culvert under the roadway to allow improved passage for fish and other wildlife and associated stream restoration
- Upgrade utility and stormwater facilities
- Improve traffic signals, street lighting, landscaping, retaining walls and signage
- Update pavement and striping
Design for this fourth phase is anticipated to be complete in early 2023. The 120th Avenue Northeast (Stage 4) / Northeast 16th Street to Northup Way – Multimodal Corridor Completion project would be constructed in two segments:
- North segment from the King County Metro transit base to Northup Way
- South segment from Northeast 16th Street to the King County Metro transit base
The city proposes first constructing the north segment improvements due to uncertainties with proposed development within the south segment project limits.
Public feedback informs project design
An online open house was held March 29-April 16, 2021, as an opportunity for public feedback on preliminary design concepts for roadway sections, a trail crossing and urban design features. A summary report was published in May 2021. General themes gathered from the online survey include:
- Desire for more connections to regional trails
- Minimize the number of travel lanes
- Preference for interpretive signs for natural areas
- Preference for existing planter beds on both sides of sidewalk on 120th Avenue Northeast
- Preference for retaining wall design as metal mesh on green screen mounted on concrete wall
Based on public feedback received through the online open house, the project team re-evaluated the Transportation Technical Report prepared in 2011. The report required the project include two southbound through lanes and two northbound through lanes, including a center turn lane within the project limits. The updated 2021 Traffic Analysis Report recommends one northbound through lane within the project limits and two southbound through lanes to be extended from the southern project termini to the future Northeast 18th Street. The rest of the southbound through lane would remain at one lane within the project limits. Additionally, a center lane would be added that may be designated as a left-turn lane, a two-way left-turn lane or a median/center island.
- 2020-2021: Work on project design to achieve 60% level of completion (complete)
- 2022-2023: Complete design work
- 2024-2026: Right-of-way acquisition and permits
- TBD: North segment construction (construction is currently unfunded)
- TBD: South segment construction (construction is currently unfunded)
Total design costs for the project were estimated at $4.46 million, which the city funded partly from the city’s Capital Investment Program ($3 million) and grant funding from the Puget Sound Regional Council ($1.46 million) awarded in 2021.
The right of way phase will cost $5.17 million of which the city will fund $1.35 million from the City’s Capital Investment Program and $3.82 million from additional Puget Sound Regional Council Surface Transportation Program funds awarded in 2023.
In 2024, Puget Sound Regional Council awarded $5.46M of Federal Highway Administration funds for construction of the north segment. The total construction cost for the north segment is estimated at $31 million and the south segment is estimated at $17 million. The city will continue pursuing federal, state and regional funding opportunities for the remaining construction funds to complete both segments.
Approved 2021-2027 Capital Investment Program Budget Sheet.
Background material
- Project update mailer (February 2023)
- Frequently asked questions (FAQ Sheet) (July 2021)
- Summary Report: Online Open House (May 2021)
- Online open house data report from EngagingBellevue.com (April 2021)
- Project update mailer (February 2021)
- Aerial footage (May 2020)
- Access Bellevue mailer (May 2020)