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Crossroads Connect vehicle at pick-up/drop-off area

Crossroads Connect, a pilot program offering on-demand transportation service for the greater Crossroads area of Bellevue, ended service on Friday, Oct. 1, 2021, one year after it started. Program partners, the City of Bellevue and King County Metro, thank everyone who downloaded the app or took advantage of the service for their interest and support. 

crossroads connect logo

The state Department of Transportation and Bellevue provided funding to test the new on-demand transit service and technology. Unfortunately, that funding expired. 

For information about the RapidRide B Line and other bus routes that serve the Crossroads area, please check King County Metro's Bus Service Webpage  

Crossroads Connect Partnership

Crossroads Connect was brought to you by City of Bellevue in partnership with King County Metro. The service was made possible by a $394,000 grant from the Washington State Department of Transportation and by funding from Bellevue’s 2016, voter-approved Neighborhood Safety, Connectivity and Congestion Levy. The service was operated by King County's contractor, Hopelink; the on-demand app and software was provided by Spare Labs Inc


Graphic showing logos of Crossroads Connect sponsors