The Parks Scheduling Office coordinates use for all City of Bellevue athletic fields. Reservations can be made for big events, regular use, and low-key activities. We can accommodate league games, team practices, small tournaments, sports camps, company picnics, and family gatherings. Some of the sports that utilize our fields are baseball, softball, ultimate, soccer, lacrosse, flag football, kickball, and cricket.
2024 Field Scheduling Notes, Reminders & Tips
Request Forms
Field Use Request Form: Submit separate request forms for different basepath distances, camp use, each tournament, each season of regular field use and each gathering.
Add/Update Field Reservations Spreadsheet: Use a spreadsheet like this one to request additional reservations.
Add Field Reservations Form: Use this simplified form to request time in addition to the current reservation(s).
Changing Current Reservations
Add/Update Field Reservations Spreadsheet: Use a spreadsheet like this one to ask for changes to current reservations.
Update Field Reservations Form: Use this form to ask for changes to current reservations. Changes could be, but are not limited to, changing the date or field, adjusting the timeslot, cancelling field time, asking for rainout credit or requesting game prep.
Other Forms
Concussion Compliance Form
- COB Concussion-Cardiac Arrest Compliance Form: Required by all sports groups annually.
- Updated for 2024-2025 School Year: BSD Concussion Compliance Form: Required by all youth sports groups requesting field time at Bannerwood, North Robinswood, or Ivanhoe.
Credit Card Authorization Form: Not required. Only needed if a group wants to have a Visa/MasterCard number on file with the City of Bellevue.
How are we doing?: Not required. Submit to applaud what we are doing well or let us know about issues where improvements might be needed.
Post-Season League Report: Required from all returning groups.
Request for Seasonal Concessions: Submit if you want to sell items or food at the field, such as during a tournament.
Sports Camp Checklist: Submit two weeks prior to camp use to provide helpful information.
Tournament Checklist: Submit two weeks prior to tournament use to provide helpful information.
Athletic Field Reference Information
List of Fields - List of fields reserved by the City of Bellevue.
- Alphabetical
- By Sport/Basepath
Field Rental Fees - Rental fees based on the age group, sport, quality of the field and type of use.
- Rental Fees
Fees by Field - Alphabetical listing of fields and the associated fees based on age group and type of use.
- Fees by Field
Lights and Darkness Schedule - Time of dusk and includes the time light fees will be charged, based on date of use and field.
- Lights and Darkness Schedule
Request Submission Deadlines: Submission deadlines for field request forms, based on when the fields are wanted.
Athletic Field Scheduling Process, What To Know, and FAQs
Athletic Field Contact Information
Athletic Field Definitions
Making an Athletic Field Reservation
Process after a Request Form has been Submitted
Adding or Changing an Athletic Field Reservation
At-the-Field Information
Field Light Questions & Issues
Field Closure Information
After Using an Athletic Field
For more information about scheduling use on a Bellevue School District elementary, middle, or high school field, please visit the BSD website.