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panorama image of newport hills park sports field during the day time.

Field Scheduling Offices

City of Bellevue: 425-452-6914
Bellevue School District: 425-456-4500
Marymoor: 206-477-7275 

Should I make a reservation?

Usually not. However, reservations ARE required if you want to use Bannerwood, need lights, want game prep or are collecting a fee from participants. Groups using a field on a first-come, first-served basis must leave if a group with a reservation arrives.
A reservation is required if you want to use Bannerwood, have a game prep, need lights, or are collecting a fee from participants. A reservation is recommended if you are inviting others to come. Having a reservation is the only way to have priority over first-come, first-served use.

Pros - Only groups with reservations can have the lights turned on or get a game prep, when available. Groups with reservations will get a Field Agreement that can be taken to the field as proof. Groups with reservations have the right to kick off drop-in users for the date/time of their reservation.

Cons - There is a cost involved for the priority granted by a reservation. Field reservations require advanced planning, since we require at least eight days' notice.

Field Rental Fees (2024)

Games - baseball, softball, ultimate, soccer, lacrosse, flag football, kickball and cricket.

Practices - baseball, softball, ultimate, soccer, lacrosse, football, kickball and cricket.

Groups - companies, organizations, schools, friends and families.

Tournaments, camps, tryouts, picnics and parties.

May I make a reservation?

Contact the appropriate Scheduling Office - Athletic Field Contact Information.

The Parks Scheduling Office coordinates use at all of the City of Bellevue's fields. List of Fields (2024)

Refer to the List of Fields for the date ranges for field use. For fields without lights, please refer to the Lights and Darkness Schedule to determine the approximate time of dusk. Fields will be reserved until dusk only.
List of Fields (2024
Lights and Darkness Schedule (2024)

Field Seasons & Use Times for Fields Scheduled by the City of Bellevue

Softball/Baseball Fields

March - September Game Times (coordinate warm-up time, too)
Monday - Friday - 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. and 8 p.m. to 10:45 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday - 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m., 12:30 p.m. to 4 p.m., 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. to 10:45 p.m.

Hidden Valley #1:
January - December
Every day - 9 a.m. to 10:45 p.m.

Hidden Valley #2, #3 and #4 and Newport Hills Baseball:
March - October
Every day - 9 a.m. to dusk

All other fields:
March - September
Every day - 9 a.m. to 10:45 p.m. (or dusk)

Soccer Fields:
Robinswood and Wilburton:
January - December
Every day - 9 a.m. to 10:45 p.m.
Newport Hills:
January - December
Every day - 9 a.m. to 9:45 p.m.
All others:
July - November
Every day, 9 a.m. to dusk
Cricket Field:
North Robinswood
March – November
School Days – 5 p.m. to dusk
Non-School Days – 9 a.m. to dusk

How do I make a reservation?

  • Field Use Request Form – Submit for each season, event, or anytime several reservations are wanted.  Separate forms will be needed if requesting regular season, tournament, and/or camp use.  Separate forms will be needed for each basepath distance and each tournament.
  • Simplified Add Paperwork – If a Field Use Request Form has already been submitted, but more field time is wanted.  Add/Update Field Reservations Spreadsheet  or Add Field Reservations Form
  • Certificate of Insurance (for youth programs, ongoing use, camps, and tournaments)
  • Concussion Compliance Form
  • Proof of Non-Profit Status (if applicable)
  • List of Board Members with Contact Information (if applicable)
  • Participant Roster with Names and Home Addresses (if requested)

Insurance is required for youth programs, ongoing use, camps, tournaments, and commercial use. A current Certificate of Insurance is needed, meeting these requirements: The City of Bellevue, its officials, employees and volunteers, PO Box 90012, Bellevue, WA 98009-9012, must be listed as Certificate Holder and named Additional Insured. Minimum amount of general liability is $1,000,000 per occurrence, $2,000,000 aggregate.

Download the form and complete it (preferably typed). At the bottom of the Terms & Conditions section (second page), we require a signature. Once completed, attach the form to an email (preferred), or submit it via fax, regular mail or drop it off at Bellevue City Hall.

Field Use Request Form

Groups can request as many reservations as wanted.  NOTE: All field time requested may not be reserved since reservations are based on the allocation process.

Request forms can be submitted as soon as the field rental information is updated for the new calendar year. Request forms submitted by the deadline for each season will have higher priority than forms received after the deadline. For information about the seasons and deadlines, please see Request Submission Deadlines.

How do I pay for reservation(s)?

Field rental fees are hourly rates based on the age of the participants, quality of the field, and, for non-commercial youth groups, the Bellevue Residency Percentage. If lights are needed, there is an hourly light fee in addition to the field fees.
  • Field Rental Fees (2024)
  • Unsure of which category applies to the field wanted? Refer to the Fees by Field document (2024).

For General Field Use, payment for the first month of use is due as soon as the field time to be reserved has been determined. Payment for additional months will be due by the 15th of the month prior. (Some returning groups have been approved for the Field Post-Payment Plan with a down payment involved. Contact the Parks Scheduling Office for more information.)
For Sports Camps and Tournament field use, an initial payment is due immediately, with the remaining balance due one month prior.

$1,000 or 50% of the fees, whichever is less. 

$1,000 for tournaments requesting Bannerwood, a synthetic turf soccer field, or at least three fields.  

$500 for all other tournaments.  

NOTE:  When a group is holding multiple tournaments simultaneously, each bracket (with a different list of starting teams) will define the number of tournaments occurring.  This sometimes occurs when "a" tournament is offered for multiple age groups. 

The City of Bellevue accepts payments via cash, check, Visa or MasterCard credit/debit. NOTE: We cannot accept a check payment within two weeks of the field use.

When the City is ready to process payment, the Parks Scheduling Office will contact you via email with the amount due and the options. We can accept a Visa/MasterCard payment via phone or through an online payment. If groups prefer to have a credit card number on file, please submit a signed Credit Card Authorization Form.