Preliminary Civil Plans
The Preliminary civil plans are a combination of plans and exhibits required by Clearing and Grading, Utilities, and Transportation divisions.
Clearing and Grading Exhibits
- Show Preliminary Clearing and Grading (may be combined with the Drainage)
- Show Preliminary Erosion Control (may be combined with the Preliminary Clearing and Grading or included in the Basic Site plan):
- Show existing and proposed contours.
- Show existing buildings/structures to be demolished
- Delineate areas that are to be cleared and graded – Identify limits of ground disturbance, including any disturbance in the City Right-of-Way and adjacent properties
- Show existing trees and protection for those to remain.
- Show planned layout
- Identify and label areas of potential erosion problems.
- Indicate locations of Erosion Control BMPs and other required CSWPPP elements. (No CSWPPP is required with the Preliminary Civil Plans)
Utilities Exhibits
Utilities Locations
- Civil Drawings and Design shall be in accordance with City of Bellevue Utilities Codes and Standards
- Indicate the location of all on-site and off-site utilities, both above and below ground.
- Specify pipe size and material using the best available information.
- Provide rim and invert elevations within one one-hundredth (0.01’) of a foot for storm and wastewater
- All new assets (pipes, structures, etc.) drawn in bold line types.
- References/dimensions from right-of-way centerline for utility features in the public right-of-way, or from property line for utility features located within easements.
- Provide easement boundaries, widths, and recording numbers.
- Identify all existing and proposed hydrants, water meters, water, sewer, and storm drainage systems.
- Label existing private utilities as “PRIVATE SYSTEM”, side sewer, water line, or applicable label to distinguish from a mainline.
Water Specific Items
- Water Mains: Label length (horizontal length, center of fitting to center of fitting), pipe diameter, pipe material, pressure zone, class of pipe, joint restraint type and length (if applicable), thrust block (size and location).
- Valves: Show size, type (GV, BF, PIV, etc.), joint type (e.g. MJ, PO, etc.).
- Fittings: Call-outs are in order, number of each fitting, diameter, joint type (e.g. “2 – 8” 45° bend, MJ”)
- Services: Size & location of service is shown, length of service from main to meter.
- Hydrants: Note the distance from foot valve to hydrant.
Wastewater Specific Items
- Wastewater Collection and Conveyance Pipes: Label length (horizontal length, center of manhole to center of manhole), pipe diameter, pipe material, slope, and direction of flow.
- Laterals: Label total length, slope, pipe size, depth at property line (e.g. “6 ft dp”), pipe material, stationing from the center of downstream manhole), distance onto the lot and from the side lot line, and distance from closest property corner. List the the capped end.
- Fittings: Label type (e.g. wye, tee, reducer), sizes, pipe material (e.g. “6x4 PVC tee”).
- New Structures: Label structure type (e.g. “SSMH Type 1,” etc.), size (e.g. 48-inch dia.), rim elevations, invert elevations, direction of flow (e.g. IN or OUT), pipe sizes (diameter) and pipe materials, and the pipe invert compass direction (e.g. N, NW, SE, etc.).
- Force Mains: Label joint restraint type and length and thrust block size and location (if applicable).
Stormwater Specific Items
- Stormwater Conveyance & Collection Pipes: Label length (horizontal length, center of manhole/catch basin to center of manhole/catch basin, pipe diameter, pipe material, slope, and flow direction.
- Laterals: Label length, pipe size, pipe material, stationing from center of the downstream structure, distance onto the lot and from the side lot line, distance from closest property corner, and slope. List the I.E. at the capped end.
- Fittings: Label type (e.g. wye, tee, reducer), sizes, pipe material (e.g. “12x6 PVC tee”).
- New Structures: Label structure type (e.g. “CB Type 1,” “CB Type 2,” etc.), size (e.g. 54-inch dia.), cover types (e.g. round solid, vaned grate, etc.), rim elevations, invert elevations, direction of flow (e.g. IN or OUT), invert pipe compass direction (e.g. N, NW, SE, etc.), pipe sizes (diameter) and pipe materials.
- Provide location of all existing and proposed detention and water quality BMPS as well as on-site stormwater management BMPs.
- Identify all impervious surfaces, including walkways, parking lots, plazas, sport courts, gravel parking areas, and path surfaces.
Transportation Plans and Exhibits
Show all proposed improvements in accordance with the Transportation Design Manual and Complete Streets Guide | City of Bellevue.
All transportation related civil plans shall be prepared by a professional engineer, licensed in Washington State, with relevant roadway design experience.
The Design engineer is responsible for verifying and accurately depicting all locations and dimensions of property lines; setback distances; and the location and width of streets, right-of-way and easements, and to verify all proposed improvements are within right-of-way or easements.
All construction and general notes, and details must be included on the plan sheets described below.
Typical Roadway Cross Sections and Details
- Separate roadway sections shall be provided for each differing section of roadway for the entire length of the project.
- Show all relevant details that are not included in city standard drawings.
- Show existing and proposed right-of-way and easement locations, with dimensions.
- Show cross-section details for integration of elements such as pavement section, curb and gutter, planter, sidewalk, retaining walls, pedestrian rails, etc.
- Depict proposed garage below grade (annotate garage elevation and vertical clearance below the proposed sidewalk).
- Depict proposed building above grade, annotate vertical clearance from the top of the garage.
- At traffic signal pole locations, include signal pole foundation depth relative to proposed garage below grade (annotate garage elevation).
- Provide curb ramp details.
Roadway Plan and Profile
Plan information shall include but not limited to the following:
- Show the existing property lines and the right-of-way centerline.
- Provide construction centerline and stationing information for staking. A separate centerline and alignment drawing may be used for projects that will have lots of information or are very detailed. The construction centerline shall be tied to the alignment survey.
- Show and label width of existing and proposed right-of-way.
- Show and label width of existing and proposed easements (motorized and non-motorized).
- Except for plats, show street names. For plats, designate proposed roads as "Road A," "Road B," etc. Designate proposed tracts as "Tract A," "Tract B," etc.
- Show and label the outline of the below grade garage (Show multiple garage outlines if varying based on garage level).
- Show and label the width of the existing and proposed pavement, bicycle facility (if required) curb and gutter, sidewalk, planters strip, street trees, etc.
- Show existing driveways on both sides of the street to 100 feet from the proposed access. Show streets parallel to the proposed access, if any, up to 150 feet from the proposed access.
- Label proposed driveway width and distance from the property line.
- Show limits of driveway restoration. For gravel driveways, hard surfacing for approaches shall extend to the right of way.
- Show the sidewalk transition information from the new to existing width for a minimum of 15 feet beyond the development property line.
- Depict paving information.
- All utility features adjustments by other utilities shall be noted on the plans.
- Show all existing aerial and underground utilities.
Profile information shall include but not be limited to:
- Depict and label the existing roadway centerline ground profile.
- Depict and label the finished roadway centerline profile grade.
- For new construction and modified roadway profile, depict vertical alignment data of the roadway centerline (Vertical curve length, K value, Beginning and Ending points stations and elevations, grade breaks station and elevation, tangent lengths and percent grade).
- Depict and label the proposed top of curb profile.
- Annotate existing or proposed centerline elevations and proposed top of curb elevations along the development frontage.
Driveway Plan and Profiles
- Annotate driveway approach width and reference proposed city standard drawing for applicable driveway option.
- Driveway approach grades should be designed to accommodate adjacent sidewalks and minimize change in grade for pedestrians.
- Driveway plans should consider sight distance conflicts with other existing and proposed features.
- Driveway profiles shall be scaled 1 to 1.
- Driveway profiles shall show the existing and proposed elevations. Also indicate right of way limits relative to driveway.
- Label driveway profile grade 20 to 30-ft from the back of sidewalk depending on the access type.
- Driveway profiles at garage entrances shall depict the vertical clearance.
- Driveways shall be designed in such a way that minimizes the slope of the driveway.
Sight Distance Exhibits
- Demonstrate adequate sight distance at each driveway and adjacent intersections by showing the vehicle and pedestrian, and bicycle (if applicable) sight distance in accordance with the Transportation Design Manual.
- Label the sight distance setback lines.
- Provide a profile for the vehicle, bicycle, and pedestrian vertical sight distance.
- Show the stopping sight distance lines on the profile for both directions of traffic for all crosswalks.
Design vehicle turning exhibits
- Provide turning movement simulation for garbage trucks and design vehicles entering and exiting the site, using AutoTurn vehicle simulation software.
- Show vehicle template dimensions.
- Show a vehicle simulation legend, including vehicle body envelope, front tire path and rear tire path.
- Provide vehicle simulation in color.
Right-of-Way and Easements Exhibit
- Show the existing property lines and right-of-way.
- Show the roadway and right-of-way centerlines along with centerline alignment stationing.
- Show the existing easements on the property.
- Identify all existing easements to be amended, modified or relinquished, with a corresponding table.
- Clearly identify any easements which are shared between adjacent properties.
- Show the existing easements on other properties for required frontage improvements (transition areas beyond the property line, receiving curb ramps, signals, etc.)
- Show the proposed right-of-way areas, labeling the dimensions.
- Show the proposed easements areas, labeling the dimensions.
- Provide a color-coded legend for the existing and proposed areas.
- Depict the building outline at ground level.
- Depict and label the below grade garage outer wall.
- Depict and label any proposed buildings overhang.