Basic Site Plan
A basic site plan is necessary to show the general site layout in relation to the existing conditions. Applicants are responsible for verifying and accurately depicting all locations and dimensions of property lines, setback distances, the location and width of streets, rights of way and easements. The City may require additional information as needed. A basic site plan should include but is not limited to the following. The city reserves the right to request additional information based on the proposed scope of work and site.
- Name, address and phone number of the preparer.
- Vicinity map, north arrow and graphic scale.
- The dimensions of all property lines.
- Required dimensional standards applicable for the zone such as setbacks, impervious surfaces, including walkways, parking lots, plazas, sport courts, gravel parking lots and path surfaces, lot coverage, FAR, Greenscape, Building Height, etc. as applicable.
- Proposed improvements/structure footprint. Show the location, size and use. Show distances to property lines.
- 2’ topography contour lines
- Retaining Walls, rockeries and fences. Include top of wall/fence and bottom of wall/fence heights.
- Vehicular and pedestrian access lanes on site.
- Adjacent rights-of-way and/or private roadways.
- Parking Areas (at grade or entrances to below grade).
- Trees and open space/plaza areas.
- Through block connections and outdoor plazas (if applicable).
- Critical Areas i.e. top of bank of streams, wetlands, floodplains and geologic hazard areas located on site or adjacent to the site.
- Ordinary High-Water Mark, 50’ setback and vegetation conservation area (Required for Shoreline Permits)