Prepare your stormwater site plan using the requirements outlined in the 2017 Surface Water Engineering Standards (SWES), Section D2 - D6. For assistance in submitting your site plan online, refer to Electronic Plan Requirements and Electronic Review Efficiency. For questions regarding your submittal, contact the Utilities Review desk.

Project Information

  • Project address
  • Name, address and stamp of preparer (if a licensed individual)
  • Vicinity map

Site Plan Requirements

  • Show all utilities in the right of way including pipe size and material.
  • Include all storm pipe and structures on site including pipe length, size, type, and slope.
  • Call out invert elevations of all existing and proposed catch basins and yard drains.
  • Call out elevations of any proposed best management practices (BMPs).
  • Show existing and proposed contours on and off site.
  • Delineate setbacks for any BMPs.