Administrative Departures
Administrative Departures are applicable if your development proposal is located in Downtown or East Main. An Administrative Departure is used to modify provisions of the land use code when the strict application would result in a development that does not fully achieve the policy vision as it is articulated in the Comprehensive Plan. Administrative Departures are not used to waive land use code requirements, but to modify them. Requests to waive a land use code requirement shall be processed as a Variance application.
If your development proposal seeks to modify provisions of the land use code as permitted in 20.25A or 20.25Q, you will need to fill out an Administrative Departure form which requires a short narrative of the request, the code section you are seeking to modify, any graphics necessary to understand the Departure request and responses to the applicable Departure criteria. An Administrative Departure form must be filled out for each modification request.
Forms shall be combined into one PDF and uploaded with your application as “Administrative Departure Form."