You are responsible for verifying and accurately depicting all locations and dimensions of property lines; setback distances; and the location and width of streets, rights of way and easements.

Preliminary Street Lighting Plan

A preliminary street lighting plan may be required at the discretion of the Transportation Department for any project with public street frontage. If required, the plan is typically done early in the design review or preliminary plat/short plat process. The purpose of this preliminary plan is to determine if modifications to the street lighting system are required in order to meet the city’s design standards. Refer to the Transportation Design Manual and Street Lighting Design Guide (Appendix A).

  1. Provide a street light level analysis using AGi32 software to determine optimal street light locations that meet the city’s standards. Submit a digital AGi32 file for review.
  2. Provide a plan sheet showing the location(s) and type of pole and fixture for all lights included in the analysis. Also include all relevant features on this plan sheet, including but not limited to above and below ground utilities, building awnings/overhangs, street trees, crosswalks, driveways, etc.

Where the city owns or will own the street lighting system (generally on arterial streets or downtown), the Preliminary Street Lighting Plan must be submitted by a Washington State-registered civil or electrical engineer experienced in street lighting design, at the developer’s request and expense.

Where Puget Sound Energy (PSE) owns or will own the street lighting system (generally on local streets), the preliminary street lighting plan must be submitted to the city by PSE at the developer’s request and expense.

Street Lighting Plan

A complete street lighting plan may be required for all projects with public street frontage requiring new street lights or at the discretion of the Transportation Department. The street lighting plan will provide required details for construction of the street lighting system and be part of the approved engineering plan. Refer to the Transportation Design Manual and Street Lighting Design Guide (Appendix A).

  1. Show new and existing luminaries, their stations, installation details, contactor cabinet or the connections to an existing contactor cabinet, conduit, wire, and any adjacent existing luminaires as necessary to complete the electrical system. Show in half tone all relevant proposed and existing features, including but not limited to above and below ground utilities, building awnings/overhangs, street trees, crosswalks and driveways.
  2. Include detailed voltage drop calculations along with illumination calculations and luminary photometrics. Voltage drop calculations should include all lights on affected circuits.
  3. All work must conform to the City of Bellevue’s standard plans and specifications.
  4. Provide AGi32 digital file with CAD base as background.

Where Puget Sound Energy (PSE) owns or will own the street lighting system (generally on local streets), a PSE construction drawing (for their own crew’s installation) must be submitted to the city by PSE at the developer’s request and expense. This plan must clearly state pole locations, pole type and height, luminaire arm type and length, luminaire type, and wattage. PSE must apply for all required permits prior to beginning work and will install the equipment.