Verify and accurately depict all locations and dimensions of property lines; setback distances; and the location and width of streets, rights-of-way and easements.

A Preliminary Plat approval is for the division of land into 10 or more lots for the purpose of sale or lease. A Preliminary Short Plat is a proposal to divide land to create nine or fewer lots.

The boundary and topographic survey depicts existing site conditions. Use the survey as the underlying base map for the preliminary plat. The proposed name of the plat (short plats excluded) must be approved by the King County Department of Records and Elections.

Provide the following information:

  • Name, address, and phone number of the developer and of each property owner.
  • Name, address, phone number, signature, and seal of the professional land surveyor who prepared the plat.
  • Quarter section(s), township, and range.
  • Vicinity map, north arrow, and graphic scale.
  • Legal description(s) of the property to be subdivided, verbatim from the Title Report/Plat Certificate.
  • All existing lots, tracts, parcels, rights-of-way, and easements with names, dimensions, and recording numbers within 100 feet of the perimeter of the proposed plat.
  • Depiction of any contiguous land in which there is an interest by reason of ownership, contract for purchase, earnest money agreement, or option by any person, firm, or corporation in any manner connected with the development or applicant(s).
  • Sufficient geometry to accurately locate all proposed lots, tracts, parcels and easements, with lot designations and area in square feet.
  • Proposed rights-of-way and any proposed ingress, egress, utility, open space, drainage, native growth protection easements, and tracts. Designate proposed roads as "Road A," "Road B," etc. Designate proposed tracts as "Tract A," "Tract B," etc.
  • Specific identification of the intended use and ownership for each auxiliary tract or easement.
  • Land Use District Classification: If the property has multiple zones, show the zone boundary.
  • Land Use Code Setbacks: Show front(s), side(s), rear, and Classified Street setbacks if applicable. Also show Sensitive Area and Shoreline District setbacks if applicable.
  • Phasing Line: If the project is to be phased, graphically define each phase line. Each phase must meet all requirements of development independently.
  • Overlay Districts: Diagram exactly what portion of the site is in an Overlay District (Transition Areas, Protected Areas, Design Review Districts, and Shoreline Districts).
  • Significant Trees: All significant trees in the required perimeter landscape area and 30 percent of the total diameter inches of existing significant trees on the site interior must be retained. Significant trees are healthy evergreen or deciduous trees, 8 inches in diameter or greater, measured 4 feet above existing grade. Alder and cottonwood tree diameter inches are discounted by a factor of 0.5. Provide a calculation of diameter inches in the format of a table. Put the table on the plat map. Trees to be saved must be included in a tree-preservation area. Show the dimensions of the proposed tree-preservation area on the plat map (include tree drip lines).
  • Utilities: Show the existing and proposed location of all utilities, below and above the ground. Use the best available information.

The approval and recording of the final short plat to create nine or fewer lots once infrastructure construction is complete or bonded. Applications for Binding Site Plan are also considered under this application. A binding site plan is only allowed when it is part of other Land Use permits as specified in the Land Use Code. 

A short plat is defined as a land boundary survey (W.A.C. 332-130) and must be prepared by a professional land surveyor registered in the State of Washington, using these standards:

  • All land surveys submitted for land use approval shall be rotated to the Washington Coordinate System NAD83(2011) - North Zone, and noted accordingly as the Basis of Bearings on the mapping.
  • All lot corners shall be monumented and field tied to at least two (2) City of Bellevue Survey Control Network monuments. Survey Control Data Cards are available online or from the survey staff (425-452-4385).
  • Final Short Plat drawings must be prepared on the City of Bellevue drawing title block. AutoCAD compatible drawing files are available online or from the survey staff (425-452-4385).

A short plat is a recorded survey and must comply with all requirements of R.C.W. 58.09 (Survey Recording Act) and W.A.C. 332-130-050 (Survey Map Requirements). Also include the following information:

  • Legal description(s) of the parcels to be short subdivided, verbatim from a current title report.
  • All existing lots, tracts, parcels, rights-of-way and easements shown in light or medium line weights using various dashed line types.
  • Recording numbers and brief description of any easements, maintenance agreements, covenants, restrictions, etc., affecting the subject property.
  • Final lots shown with heavy line weights and solid lines, with lot and tract designations and areas in square feet.
  • Sufficient geometry to accurately locate all lots, tracts, parcels, and easements.
  • Label each lot line as F (front), S (side) and R (rear) for setback designation.
  • Specific identification on the short plat of the intended use and ownership for each auxiliary tract or easement.
  • An owner’s certificate and dedication signed and acknowledged before a notary public by all parties having any ownership interest in the lands to be short subdivided.

A Plat is defined as a Land Boundary Survey (W.A.C. 332-130) and must be prepared by a professional land surveyor registered in the State of Washington, using these standards:

  • All land surveys submitted for land use approval shall be rotated in the Washington Coordinate System NAD83 (2011) – North Zone, and noted accordingly as the Basis of Bearings on the mapping.
  • All lot corners shall be monumented and field tied to at least two (2) City of Bellevue Survey Control network monuments. Survey Control Data Cards are available online or from the survey staff (425-452-4385).
  • Permanent pipe monuments shall be set at all street centerline intersections, curve tangent points and cul-de-sac radius points. Said pipe monuments shall be a Bertsen A130 Aluminum Standard Monument (30 inches long), or equivalent, together with standard iron casting case and cover. These materials and specifications are shown in City of Bellevue Standard Drawing DEV-12 (Cap Detail B).
  • Final Plat drawings must be prepared on the City of Bellevue drawing title block. AutoCAD compatible drawing files are available online, or from the survey staff (425-452-4385).

A Plat is a recorded survey and must comply with all requirements of R.C.W. 58.09 (Survey Recording Act) and W.A.C. 332-130-050 (Survey Map Requirements). The following additional items shall also be included:

  • Legal description(s) of the parcels to be subdivided, verbatim from a current title report.
  • All existing lots, tracts, parcels, right-of-ways and easements shown in light or medium line weights using various dashed line types.
  • Recording numbers and a brief description of any easements, maintenance agreements, covenants, restrictions, etc., affecting the subject property.
  • Final lots shown with heavy line weights and solid lines, with lot and tract designations and areas in square feet.
  • Sufficient geometry to accurately locate all lots, tracts, parcels and easements.
  • Label each lot line as F (front), S (side) and R (rear) for setback designation.
  • Specific identification on the plat of the intended use and ownership for each auxiliary tract or easement.
  • Street names as approved by the city.
  • An owner’s certificate and dedication signed and acknowledged before a notary public by all parties having any ownership interest in the lands to be short subdivided.

A Boundary Line Adjustment is defined as a Land Boundary Survey (W.A.C. 332-130) and must be prepared by a professional land surveyor registered in the State of Washington.


  • All land surveys submitted for land use approval shall be rotated to the Washington Coordinate System NAD83 (2011) - North Zone and noted accordingly as the Basis of Bearings on the mapping.
  • The adjusted boundary line shall be monumented and field tied to at least two (2) City of Bellevue Survey Control Network monuments. Survey control data cards are available online, or from the survey staff (425-452-4385).
  • Boundary line adjustment drawings must be prepared on the City of Bellevue drawing title block.  AutoCAD compatible drawing files are available online or from the survey staff (425-452-4385).

Recorded Survey

A Boundary Line Adjustment is a recorded survey and must comply with all requirements of R.C.W.  58.09 (Survey Recording Act) and W.A.C. 332-130-050 (Survey Map Requirements). The following information must be included on the survey:

  1. Legal description(s) of the parcels to be adjusted, verbatim from a current title report.
  2. All existing lots, tracts, parcels, rights-of-way and easements shown in light or medium line weights using various dashed line types.
  3. Recording numbers and a brief description of any easements, maintenance agreements, covenants, restrictions, etc., affecting the subject property.
  4. Final lots shown with heavy line weights and solid lines, with lot designations and areas in square feet.
  5. Lines subject to adjustment are clearly labeled as New LineOld Line or Line To Be Removed (in the case of lot combination).
  6. Sufficient geometry to accurately locate all lots, tracts, parcels and easements.
  7. All existing structures with their locations indicated by measurements perpendicular to the adjusted property lines.
  8. An owner’s declaration signed and acknowledged before a notary public by all parties having any ownership interest in the lands to be adjusted.