Building Floor Plans
Land Use Approvals
For a commercial project, show all permanent corridors, exits and exit stairways, elevators, lobbies, and mechanical and restroom areas. Indicate the proposed use of each space.
For a multifamily project, show all corridors, exits, elevators, stairwells, lobbies, and mechanical areas and show the typical floor layout for each unit and building type. Show locations of Accessible, Type A, and Type B units per Chapter 11 of the building code.
Garage floor plans: Show dimensions of parking bays, drive aisle widths, and loading area widths and depths. Label retail and visitor parking spaces, standard stalls, and compact stalls. Provide a parking table showing the distribution of retail, visitor, compact, and standard parking stalls on each parking level plan.
Ground Floor Plans: If active uses such as retail or restaurants are proposed at the ground floor, the square footage of these spaces must be provided.
Roof Plans: Show the extent of area occupied by rooftop mechanical equipment, if applicable, and any activated spaces. Show existing and proposed mechanical equipment screening.