Fire Response Plan
In many projects, the requirements for firefighter operations have a significant impact on the overall design of a building site. It is important for the designers to consider this when designing a project. In order to ensure that the overall site design is in compliance with the regulations of Fire Prevention, the Fire Response Plan will be required at the Land Use stage of permitting. The Fire Response Plan should be a single plan sheet that includes the following information:
- Building Footprint
- Street or Roadway Access for Fire apparatus
- Fire Lanes
- Post Indicator Valves (PIV)
- Fire Department Connection (FDC)
- Hydrants (existing and proposed)
- Hose Pull Distances (per BFC Chapter 5)
- Exterior Access Door Locations
- Firefighter Air Replacement System (FARS) (if required)
- External Fuel Port for Emergency Generator (if required)
- Riser Room
- FCC (if required)
- Fire Pump Room (if required)
- Elevator Bank Locations to include FSAE (if applicable)
- Interior Exit Stair Locations
- A determination on if the building meets the definition of a high-rise per code.