Building Elevations
Provide the following building elevation information on your plans. Applicants are responsible for verifying and accurately depicting all locations and dimensions of property lines, setback distances, and the location and width of streets, rights-of-way and easements.
- Provide full elevation drawings for each side of the structure. Provide finished floor level for each floor. Show maximum site slope.
- Total Height: based on average existing grade (AEG) or average finished grade (AFG), as required by the Land Use Code. The proposed total height of the building must be shown for each elevation. Dimension notes must label the average existing grade or average finished grade line, the maximum height line of the proposed structure, and the maximum height line allowed in the applicable Land Use District.
- Show the proposed visual screening for roof-mounted mechanical equipment, elevator overrun, vents, etc. Design screening to address views of mechanical equipment from below and above from other existing and future buildings.
- Show the roof overhang from the roof. Dimension the heights of roof parapets and any roof railings. Indicate the pitch of the roof or the minimum slope to drain. Indicate the roof covering material.
- Show cornices, eave overhangs, exterior balconies, weather protection, decks, and similar architectural features extending beyond the floor area. Provide dimensions of the extensions of these elements from the floor area.
- Decks: Indicate the height of guardrails and railings.
- Show exterior siding materials. In addition to your black and white elevation drawings, you will also need to provide a set of colored elevation drawings with the exterior color/material legend to correspond with your color elevations. This will also correspond with your physical color and materials board.
- Indicate doors, windows, skylights or other types of operable vents.
- If applicable, show foundations and footings for the structure below grade. Indicate retained soil heights.
- Note all ramps, signs, etc., that will provide barrier-free access for the disabled when required.
- When applicable, provide the 40’, 80’, prescribed trigger height, maximum building height and maximum building height with mechanical. Also include the proposed building height and proposed mechanical height, as measured from average finished grade on each building elevation.