Depending upon the scope of your project, you may not be required to prepare a separate road plan. Contact the Transportation Development Review Engineer to determine if you may submit a combined Road Plan/Site Plan.

When a road plan is required, all transportation-related plans, notes and detail drawings must be on a plan sheet or sheets labeled “Road Plan.” Other information may also be included on the same sheets, with multipurpose sheet labels, such as “Road and Storm Drainage Plan.”

Preliminary Plats, Short Plats, Design Reviews and Conditional Use Reviews

  1. Show the existing limits and the center line of the street right-of-way. Show the pavement width. Show existing and proposed curb, gutter, sidewalk, planter strip, street trees, poles (street light, telephone, traffic signal, power), street signs, vaults, traffic signal interconnect cabinets and contactor cabinets.
  2. Show existing driveways on both sides of the street to 100 feet from the proposed access. Show streets parallel to the proposed access, if any, up to 150 feet from the proposed access. Show existing and proposed street channelization and access easements (non-motorized and vehicle). Except for plats, show street names. For plats, designate proposed roads as "Road A," "Road B," etc. Designate proposed tracts as "Tract A," "Tract B," etc.
  3. Show roadway profiles, with percent grade at center-line, and cross sections (with pavement specifications) for proposed roadways.
  4. Show proposed right-of-way locations, with dimensions.
  5. Show all proposed improvements in accordance with the Transportation Department Design Manual, including driveways, private roads, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, planter strips, street lighting and traffic signal equipment.
  6. Demonstrate adequate sight distance at each driveway by adding the vehicle and pedestrian sight triangle in accordance with the Transportation Department Design Manual.
  7. Provide a street lighting analysis to determine if frontage is lit to required standards. Street lighting may be required based upon the results of the analysis.

Clearing & Grading, New Building Construction and Plat Engineering Reviews

Street lighting is required for all public streets within plats and for public streets which abut plats/short plats/commercial developments. See our street lighting plan publication. Contact the Transportation Division's development review staff prior to contracting for street lighting design services.

  1. Show the existing limits and the center line of the street right-of-way. Show the pavement width. Show existing and proposed curb, gutter, sidewalk, planter strip, street trees, poles (street light, telephone, traffic signal, power), street signs, vaults, traffic signal interconnect cabinets, and contactor cabinets.
  2. Show existing driveways on both sides of the street to 100 feet from the proposed access. Show streets parallel to the proposed access, if any, up to 150 feet from the proposed access. Show existing and proposed street channelization and access easements (non-motorized and vehicle). Except for plats, show street names. For plats, designate proposed roads as "Road A," "Road B," etc. Designate proposed tracts as "Tract A," "Tract B," etc.
  3. Show roadway profiles and cross sections (with pavement specifications) for proposed roadways.
  4. Show proposed right-of-way locations, with dimensions.
  5. Show all proposed frontage improvements in accordance with the Transportation Department Design Manual, including driveways, private roads, curbs, gutters, sidewalks, planter strips, street lighting, and traffic signal equipment.
  6. Demonstrate adequate sight distance at each driveway by adding the vehicle and pedestrian sight triangle in accordance with the Transportation Department Design Manual.
  7. Curb ramp details shall include slopes, dimensions, and spot evaluations to review compliance with ADA standards.
  8. Provide a channelization plan that shows proposed channelization and signing in the right of way, including the channelization line types, sign codes and sizes, stations and offsets.
  9. If street lighting is required, provide a combined street lighting and street tree plan for review.
  10. Include the Transportation Department construction notes.
  11. Include standard detail drawings from the Transportation Department Design Manual for all proposed street frontage improvements.
  12. Within the Downtown, show adjacent property frontage to the nearest driveway or the nearest intersection, whichever is closest, but in no case less than 100 feet.


Permit Center
In-person Permit Center services are available Monday to Thursday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.

The Permit Center will be open on Friday from 10 a.m. - 3 p.m., although customers visiting City Hall may be served remotely by permitting staff.
Business Hours
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.