1. Locate and note the size, height and type of all existing signs for the business.
  2. Draw all proposed signs (to scale); note the size and type.
  3. Show all property lines and note the dimensions.
  4. Show existing and proposed building(s) on the site.
  5. Show the location and dimension of all entry drives, curbs and driveway approaches.
  6. Indicate the zoning of the site on the plans. 
  • Show the façade of the entire building with all other existing and proposed signs included.
  • Show the largest façade of the tenant space and note its area in square feet.
  • Show the largest façade area of the building or tenant space. Show the façade area where the sign is to be mounted and the square footage of the building mounted sign.
  • Show the proposed sign, including dimensions, copy, color(s), materials, building façade and dimensions for the sign, and other information to illustrate the proposal (i.e., photo).
  • Show structural connection details, including:
    • Dimensions of the structural support(s).
    • Weight of the sign.
    • Materials and material grades.
    • Partial cross section showing foundation, structural members (studs, beam, post, wall), and fastening method (bolts, screws, lags, nails, welds).
    • Size, spacing and number of fasteners.
    • All structural components of the sign itself (size included).

Also refer to Sign Requirements for Building Review. 

  • Show an elevation of all existing and proposed signs; note materials, color and finishes.
  • Show the height of the sign measured from the ground level of the sign location to the highest point of the sign.
  • Show setbacks to the sign from driveways and front and side property lines.
  • Show the foundation and structural details for the sign and the means of fastening, including:
    • Dimensions of the support structure (footings).
    • Weight of the sign.
    • Materials and material grades.
    • Partial cross section showing the foundation, structural members (studs, beam, post, wall) and fastening method (bolts, screws, lags, nails, welds).
    • Size, spacing and number of fasteners.
    • All structural components of the sign (size included).

Also refer to Sign Requirements for Building Review.

  1. Show the location, type of landscaping and wheel stops around the base of the sign to prevent automobiles from hitting the sign support structure.
  2. Show the planting area around the base of the sign (a minimum of one square foot of landscaping for each square foot of the sign surface area).
  3. Show that both the trees and shrubs together will cover a minimum of 25 percent of the required planting area.
  4. If the landscaping will not be installed concurrently with the sign, the applicant must provide a Performance Assurance Device in accordance with Land Use Code 20.40.490. All required landscaping must be installed within 60 days of completion of the sign installation unless the code administrator grants an extension in writing for reasons of weather, good planting practices, or unforeseeable construction delay.