Landscape Plan
A Landscape Plan is necessary to show how a proposal is complying with both the streetscape planter landscape requirements, including required street trees, as well as on-site landscaping. Depending on where your project is located, on-site landscaping may include required landscape buffers in addition to areas required to meet Green and Sustainability requirements (Downtown/East Main only). Review the land use code closely for requirements applicable to your project site.
In general, the landscape plan layout must be consistent with the site plan layout. If the site exceeds one acre, a preliminary landscape plan must be signed by a landscape architect, nurseryman or landscaper registered and/or certified by the State of Washington. The following information should be provided as part of your Landscape Plan:
- Background Information: Include the boundary lines of the subject property; proposed structures and existing structures to remain; walls; pedestrian and vehicular circulation; surface parking; and Protected Areas (as defined in the Land Use Code) which include Critical Areas and/or NGPE/NGPA’s.
- Existing Trees: Show the location, diameter at four feet above grade, and the drip line of all existing significant trees to remain.
- Proposed Vegetation: Graphically portray and identify by the botanical name all proposed trees, shrubs, and groundcover; distinguish between species; graphically outline hydrozone boundaries.
- Plant Legend: Using the graphic symbols selected for the plan, show all proposed trees, shrubs, and ground cover. For each species, provide the botanical and common names, spacing, and proposed size at installation. Indicate the proposed tree sizes in feet from base for evergreens, and caliper in inches at four feet above base for deciduous (deciduous street trees for Downtown streets are measured at six inches above grade).
- Installation Details: Graphically show the proposed method and materials for installing the trees, shrubs, and ground cover. Distinguish between evergreen and deciduous trees and trees located in streetscape planters/public rights-of-way.
- Proposed Irrigation System: Graphically portray all irrigation system water lines, irrigation heads, and other related equipment; identify all irrigation system zones and intended hydrozone coverage areas; show material and installation details for various system components.
- All landscape construction involving an area of 500 square feet or more must comply with the city's Landscape Water Budgeting Requirements (Water Code sections 24.02.200 and 24.02.205) and the Utilities Department's Engineering Standards. Attach to or show on the face of the final landscape plans all required information, forms and certifications. These must be approved by the Utilities Department prior to construction.
- All irrigation systems involving an area of 500 square feet or more of landscaping must comply with the city's Irrigation System Design and Performance Requirements (Water Code sections 24.02.200 and 24.02.210) and the Utilities Department's Engineering Standards. Attach to or show on the face of the final landscape plans all required information, forms and certifications. These must be approved by the Utilities Department prior to construction.
- Soil Volume (Downtown/East Main only): To ensure that all new trees thrive in an urban environment, enough soil must be provided to ensure large healthy shade trees can succeed long term without damaging adjacent hardscapes. The City of Bellevue Parks Department Environmental Best Management Practices and Design Standards Manual specifies the amount of soil volume and the method for calculating the appropriate volume for small, medium and large trees in urban environments. Refer to the Soil Volume Handout and Calculation Sheet for guidance on how to comply with Soil Volume standards for proposals.
- Pet Relief Areas: The City of Bellevue has no code requirement for applicants to provide this type of facility. However, given the growing density of areas within our City, staff would encourage applicants to voluntarily design these spaces into proposals. Providing these areas will better protect landscaping along the street and internal to the site, as well as improve maintenance and clean-up.
If provided, the property owner is responsible for maintaining these areas of the streetscape planter along the public sidewalk. These areas should also be filtered prior to entry into the soil or the storm sewer system and all pet relief areas within the site must drain to the sanitary sewer. All pet relief areas must be irrigated or cleaned on a regular basis (nightly) to reduce potential negative public health and environmental effects.
Master Development Plans
For a stand-alone Master Development Plan application that is not associated with a concurrent Design Review application, items 5-9 may be eliminated from a landscape plan set. When submitting a Master Development Plan application at the same time as a phase(s) of Design Review, the same full landscape plan set for both permits may be used, and not eliminate items 5-9.