A preapplication conference (DB) is required prior to applying for a Design Review (LD) permit or Master Development Plan (LP) permit. During the preapplication conference, City of Bellevue staff will guide you through the development process and help you understand the code standards, guidelines and policies that will apply to your proposal. 

For assistance in submitting your information to the city, refer to Electronic Plan Requirements and Electronic Review Efficiency, and review the Best of Class examples provided by the Land Use Division.

Arrange a preapplication conference

  1. Contact the land use division to schedule a preapplication conference date and time.
  2. Apply for your preapplication conference permit online at MyBuildingPermit.com.

Submit your plans and documents

Submit the following items at least 21 days before your conference date.


  • A list of specific questions you would like answered by the city review team. The review team may include representatives from Fire, Utilities, Transportation, Clearing & Grading, Building and Land Use.

Project Narrative

  • Concise development objectives/summary statement which describes how the project fits within and contributes to its context, as well as any environmentally sustainable ambitions of the project. 
  • Graphically describe proposed uses (with areas indicated in square feet) for retail, office, residential, etc. 
  • Indicate the approximate number of residential units.
  • Indicate the approximate number and location of parking stalls. 

Design Concept Diagrams and Images

  • Written narrative, sketches, diagrams and images which provide the conceptual basis for the proposed development. 

Ground Floor Plan/Site Plan Standards

  • Structure footprint - include property lines and dimensions.
  • Topography of the site or other physical features.
  • Open spaces and trees.
  • Vehicular and pedestrian access - include curb lines and street trees.
  • Streets.
  • Setbacks.
  • Parking – proposed at grade or access to structured parking (show parking plans).
  • Use color to differentiate uses in context with property lines and abutting properties. 

Site Analysis - Existing conditions

  •  Zoning of property and vicinity.
  • Easements, utilities and fire hydrant locations.
  • Aerial photograph or graphic with streets and site vicinity, indicating surrounding uses, structures, zoning and overlay designations, and natural features.
  • Vicinity map and photos indicating community nodes and landmarks, and existing notable architectural and siting patterns.
  • Axonometric or other three-dimensional drawing, photos or models of the area surrounding the project site.
  • Photo montage of the streetscape on both sides of the street identifying the site (three strips per page, maximum) with callouts of relevant datum lines, fenestration patterns, roof forms, etc.
  • Precedent images from the neighborhood or beyond that will inform the design development of the proposed development. Clearly caption each and note the specific relevance of the image to the proposed development. 

Site Analysis - Transportation (Civil Plan)

  • Existing easements and right-of-way lines. 
  • Street frontage improvements including sidewalk, planter, bicycle facilities, curb and gutter, and transition to existing infrastructure.
  • Existing and proposed traffic control and channelization. 
  • On-site passenger load/unload areas and vehicle paths.
  • On-site short-term delivery area.
  • On-site recycling/trash area and vehicle travel movements into and out of proposed building/site.
  • Pedestrian and Vehicular sight lines at proposed driveways.
  • Limits below grade proposed garage construction. 
  • Adjacent driveways, including those across the street from the site.
  • Map of access opportunities, constraints, pedestrian routes, bus stops, unusual traffic patterns, applicable land use code design standards, guidelines and comprehensive plan policies. 

Elevation and Massing Diagram Standards

  • Maximum allowable building height and the height of the proposal.
  • Elevations and massing diagrams developed to a conceptual level. Do not provide fully composed elevations; do vignettes of potential fenestration options for comparison.

Design Process

  • More than one alternative architectural massing concept showing your design thinking process and how these options respond to the context and design guidelines. Graphics for each option should be comparable and generally show the same development objectives. Include proposed site plan/ground floor plan in context showing the proposed footprint of the structure(s).
  • Sun/shadow graphical analysis. For each alternative show/label potential impacts on public parks, plazas or similar. For option, list opportunities and constraints

Responses to Design Guidelines and Comprehensive Plan Policies

  • Applicable design guidelines and comprehensive plan policies.
  • Brief description of how the proposal meets the intent of the applicable land use code standards, guidelines and comprehensive plan policies.
  • Conceptual response to guidelines with concept diagrams or graphics – how the project intends to respond to these guidelines.
  • Design Guideline Gallery - images of projects in Seattle and Bellevue that provide examples of how Bellevue design guidelines can be interpreted

Focus on the Pedestrian Realm

  • Diagrams/sketches and/or images depicting the proposal’s response to the streetscape.
  • Pedestrian eye-level perspectives that capture the proposal’s relationship to the street and context of nearby properties.