Bellevue Utilities manages the following services for residents and businesses in the City of Bellevue.

We offer, including water billing, emergency response, and water conservation programs. Stay up-to-date with the latest news and announcements regarding water-related initiatives and community outreach programs that promote responsible water usage.

We handle wastewater from the initial collection process to advanced treatment methods. We prioritize the preservation of water resources and work tirelessly to minimize the environmental impact of wastewater discharge.

Storm and Surface Water
We handle stormwater from its collection during rainfall to its treatment and safe discharge. We prioritize the protection of water resources, the prevention of water pollution, and the reduction of flood risks.

Solid Waste
We handle solid waste from collection and transportation to processing and disposal. We prioritize waste diversion, encouraging you to adopt practices such as recycling, composting, and responsible consumer choices. Republic Services is the City contractor for garbage, recycling, and composting services.
To stop or start utility services to your home, business or property, call Bellevue Utilities at 425-452-6973 or email MyUtilityBill@bellevuewa.gov.
To stop or start garbage services to your home, business or property, please call Republic Services at 425-452-4762 (residents) or 425-646-2492 (businesses) or visit Republic Services. Republic Services can assist in service and billing issues for Bellevue residents and businesses.