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Great blue heron eating a fish

Storm Drains

What happens to the water that runs into storm drains? Watch this short stormwater story to learn where rain runoff goes and what you can do to help keep it clean.

Washing your car at home is a dirty business.
Did you know that all storm drains in Bellevue lead directly to a stream, lake or wetland?

When you wash your car in the street or a parking lot, toxic motor oil, brake pad dust, tire wear and other chemical residues – along with soap – go down storm drains, untreated, into the waterways we swim, fish and play in.

Dirty wash water contains oil, solvents, anti-freeze and toxic heavy metals such as zinc, lead and copper. Soap is a significant problem and is harmful to fish and the insects they eat. Even biodegradable soap can kill fish before it degrades.

Instead, take your car to a commercial car wash that reclaims the wash water several times before sending it to the sewer system for treatment.

Customer Tip:

Keep Suds Out of Streams