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Great blue heron eating a fish

The Kelsey Creek Camera is perched on a post, like a bird on a branch, the Kelsey Creek Camera gives us a live bird’s eye view of the stream. 

The Kelsey Creek Camera is our window to the stream and its surrounding habitat. Streams are highways for local fish and wildlife. Located near the Wilburton Trestle, this site is a gateway to the Greater Kelsey Creek Watershed. 


Do you see any animals? 

Great blue heron, ducks, and other birds stop here to eat and drink. You may see a deer, raccoon, or beaver. If you are lucky, you may spot a salmon, peamouth minnow, or a great blue heron eating peamouth minnow! You may also occasionally see a person at the viewing platform or a scientist in wading boots, collecting water quality data.

Email Stream Team if you see something cool! Note the day and time so we can review the video. The view changes dramatically with the position of the sun and the weather. Our view is framed in green leaves in the spring and summer. The fall and winter offer a wider view once the leaves fall off the deciduous trees and shrubs. The new camera, installed in January 2024, has night vision! If you’re a night owl, keep an eye out for beaver, raccoons, and river otter. Staff will occasionally reposition the camera to zoom in on something interesting or look downstream.

Storm Drain

Your stream starts here

What is at the other end of that storm drain? The City of Bellevue Stream Team created this short stormwater video to help you learn about stormwater and what you can do to help keep our local streams clean.