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Great blue heron eating a fish

Stream Team volunteers gather important information about Bellevue’s streams, lakes and wetlands, and help improve the city’s fish and wildlife habitat in a variety of ways. They watch for salmon and peamouth minnows. To get involved:

  1. Email streamteam@bellevuewa.gov or call 425-452-5200 and ask to be on the volunteer contact list.
  2. Provide your email or address to receive announcements about upcoming volunteer events (usually twice per year).
  3. Sign up for training workshops.
  4. Attend training and participate in the programs.

Salmon Watchers

Monitor local streams for salmon returning in the fall, visiting a site for 15 minutes twice a week from September through December and reporting when, where and what type of salmon are sighted. Attend two-hour workshop in September.

Peamouth Patrol

Check local streams for 15 minutes twice a week from mid-April through May. Record spawning times and use of Bellevue streams. Attend one-hour workshop in April.