You can see natural yard care in action at Bellevue Botanical Garden’s award-winning Waterwise Garden. A visit to its shady pathways confirms that splendid gardens don’t require large amounts of water or the pesticides that can harm children, pets and Puget Sound. Visitors can gather ideas to try at home, enjoy guided tours with knowledgeable docents, and even practice new natural gardening skills by joining the volunteer team.
- Learn natural garden techniques that can easily be applied at home.
- Get hands-on experience soil building, composting and caring for a variety of plants during the growing season.
- Meet new people and build friendships by sharing similar interests.
- Have fun while achieving important resource conservation goals in the community.
Volunteer days are the first and third Wednesday of each month, 1-3 p.m., spring through fall. No experience is needed. For more information, send an email to Waterwisegarden@bellevuewa.gov or call 425-452-6166.