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Great blue heron eating a fish

What's fishy in Kelsey Creek?

Every spring, hundreds of peamouth minnows, a foot long fish native to Lake Washington, spawn in Kelsey Creek. Each spawning event is usually only 24-48 hours from start to finish. Be there at the right time and you may see a Great Blue Heron swallow a peamouth whole!

You can attend a Peamouth Patrol Workshop to learn about this remarkable event. But you can also sign up to volunteer - the best way to witness this wonderful sign of spring. Volunteers check the stream for fish for 15 minutes twice a week. In return, they get a text when fish arrive, so they are always the first to know.

2024 Peamouth Patrol Volunteer Training

The 2024 Peamouth Patrol Training will be in person:

Wednesday, March 27, 6:30 – 8:00 p.m.

Register to receive details: streamteam@bellevuewa.gov or 425-452-5200