Republic Services provides solid waste collection service for Bellevue residents and businesses. Bellevue Utilities administers programs to educate customers in environmentally-friendly waste practices. On these pages, find information and services for specific solid waste topics.
Through our Conservation and Environment pages, we help you safeguard our natural resources and reduce our ecological footprint. It involves the responsible management and sustainable use of resources such as water, energy, forests, and wildlife.
Report a missed pickup or service issue
- Residential customers: contact Republic Services (solid waste service provider) for customer service at 425-452-4762.
- Commercial and multifamily customers: contact 425-646-2492
Learn what can be recycled and how:
- Visit the "For Residents" solid waste page
- Visit the "Recycle Right" page
- Check the "Recycle More" page and guide for recycling unusual items
Dispose of household hazardous waste properly:
- Check the "Recycle More" page and guide for recycling unusual items
- How to recycle or safely dispose of specific types of hazardous waste
For help reducing waste
- Commercial and multifamily properties: Contact recycle@bellevuewa.gov for customized help to reduce waste, including staff training and support to begin composting service.
- Take a FREE Greener Living workshop for practical tips in sorting recyclables, reducing food waste, shopping sustainably and more!