Old drugs are often flushed, sending them directly into our waterways, where they harm fish and other creatures, including people who swim and play in the water. Bellevue residents have a safe and convenient way to safely dispose of unwanted medicines.
Washington State's program allows residents to take medicines to nine dropbox locations in the city. Safe disposal of unused medicines protects our environment, and reduces drug abuse and accidental poisonings.
- Bartell Drugs - multiple locations
- Bellevue Police Department
- CVS Pharmacy
- Eastgate Public Health
- Kaiser Permanente Bellevue Pharmacy near downtown
- Kaiser Permanente Factoria Medical Center
- Pharmacy Plus in Crossroads
- QFC pharmacies in Factoria, Lake Hills and Northwest Bellevue
- Rite Aid - multiple locations
Mail-back envelopes are also available for residents that are home bound or have limited mobility. There is no cost to residents to use this service.
What can I bring?
Residents are encouraged to bring leftover, expired, and unwanted medicines. Bring medicines in their original container, or if you have loose pills, bring in a zip-lock bag. Accepted medicines include:
- Medicines sold as solids, liquids or creams
- Prescription
- Non-prescription (over-the-counter)
- Controlled substances (such as OxyContin, Ritalin)
- Pet medicines
Medicines NOT accepted include:
- Herbal remedies
- Vitamins
- Supplements
- Cosmetics
- Personal care products
- Compressed cylinders
- Aerosols
- Inhalers
- Medical devices
- Pet pesticide products
- Sharps
- Illicit drugs
- Iodine-containing products
- Medicines from businesses