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Recyclable materials

Republic Services provides solid waste services to businesses in Bellevue, including recycling and organics collection. Bellevue Utilities helps businesses divert waste from the landfill through recycling and composting. Contact us at recycle@bellevuewa.gov or 425-452-6932.

Business recycling news

Hindu Temple and Cultural Center waste reduction

Bellevue businesses are reducing waste!

Bellevue businesses are partnering with the City to reduce waste, educate employees in proper recycling and composting practices, protect the environment, and potentially lower their solid waste bills.

See our new business success stories, and watch this video highlighting a few local businesses making important recycling strides.

For more information or to request no-cost assistance for your business or multifamily residential property, email recycle@bellevuewa.gov.

Photo of garbage, recycling and compost bins with signage in a commercial building

Recycling help during COVID-19

Your Bellevue business’ solid waste streams may look different while operating under reduced capacity during COVID-19. Contact Bellevue Utilities to get help and ideas for waste reduction and recycling options, including:

• Recommendations for right-sizing outdoor waste bins or frequency of service to help save money

• Staff training and signage to help with proper sorting to reduce waste and avoid increased garbage costs

• Other personalized assistance with waste reduction and recycling solutions that can benefit your business and our environment

Recycling and Composting

Check out this Commercial Recycling, Composting, and Garbage Guide. Guide available in additional languages upon request.

Check out these success stories of businesses reducing waste, recycling and composting your community!

Download this best practices guide for Bellevue businesses for tips and resources to save money, protect the environment, reduce your company’s carbon footprint, improve efficiency, and help retain employees, customers, and clients.

Printable Best Practices Guides:

Businesses in Bellevue can receive the following free of charge:

  • Free Recycling and Composting Service: This includes unlimited recycling and up to two 96-gallon compost carts per garbage container serviced weekly through Republic Services.
  • Technical Assistance: Utilities will help you create recycling and commercial composting programs tailored to your organization’s needs.
  • On-site Waste Studies: Utilities staff will review your current waste practices and look for opportunities to reduce waste and enhance recycling and composting collection, regardless of whether you own your building or are in a property-managed complex.
  • Signage, instruction sheets, and more!

Additional Resources

Help employees know what goes where

Other diversion resources