Person walking on sidewalk next to 20 mph speed limit sign

In response to community concerns about high vehicle speeds and pedestrian safety, the Transportation Department lowered the speed limit of all streets in the Surrey Downs neighborhood from 25 mph to 20 mph in fall 2020. While school zones in Bellevue are signed for 20 mph during certain school hours, this project was the first in the city to feature a 20 mph speed limit for all times of day. This project was selected from more than 100 candidate locations in the city following a prioritization process by the city’s Neighborhood Traffic Safety Services group.

Why lower the speed limit

Surrey Downs map showing 20 mph streets

Lowering vehicle speeds helps to make streets safer and more comfortable for people walking in the neighborhood, a key strategy envisioned in the community-supported East Main (Light Rail) Station Area Plan. Further, lower speeds supports the city’s Vision Zero effort to eliminate serious injuries and fatalities on city streets by 2030.

The city plans to evaluate the effectiveness of the speed limit change through before-and-after traffic studies that measure vehicle speeds and through community feedback.

Project details

A one-week traffic study assessed existing vehicle speeds at multiple locations throughout the neighborhood to compare against future conditions. Following the installation of the 20 mph speed limit, the number of people driving at higher-end speeds (greater than 30 mph), decreased 20%.

To lower the speed limit, city staff replaced existing speed limit signs with 20 mph signs, added blue “Residential Area” signs at each neighborhood entrance and repainted speed limit pavement markings. Additionally, a few new 20 mph pavement markings were added in the neighborhood.

Yard signs that indicate “20 is Plenty” are available to community members upon email request.


This project was funded by the Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program (CIP PW-M-7). Project budget: $20,000. 


  • September 2020: Notice to community; traffic study to measure vehicles speeds prior to implementation of 20 mph streets
  • October 28, 2020: Planned implementation of 20 mph streets
  • November 2020: Traffic study to vehicle speeds following implementation


Surrey Downs近郊の通りすべてで制限速度を20 mphに下げるプロジェクト

  • 引き下げられた制限速度が評価されます.
  • 25 mph の速度標識は20 mphの標識で置き換えられます.
  • プロジェクト実施予定.
  • Surrey Downsのすべての通りで制限速度は20 mphとなります

Проект обеспечения безопасности дорожного движения

Проект, предлагающий снизить ограничение скорости до 20 mph на всех улицах района Surrey Downs

  • Снижение ограничения скорости подлежит оценке.
  • Знаки движения со скоростью 25 mph будут заменены на знаки движения со скоростью 20 mph
  • Осуществление намечено на октябрь 2020 г.
  • На всех улицах района Surrey Downs будет установлено ограничение скорости 20 mph

Surrey Downs 邻近街道的限速至 20 mph

  • 对速度下限进行评估
  • 将把 25 mph 的速度标志更换为 20 mph
  • 2020 10
  • Surrey Downs 所有街道的限速将 20 mph

Outreach Materials

Frequently Asked Questions

The Transportation Department has received numerous concerns from Surrey Downs residents about high vehicle speeds in the neighborhood. The concern was evaluated against approximately 100 other concerns from across the city through an evaluation framework. The framework takes into account vehicle speeds, traffic volumes, pedestrian facilities, pedestrian destinations and other factors along with field reviews. Though vehicle speeds are moderate, the neighborhood prioritized highly due to the lack of sidewalks and proximity to schools, parks and the future East Main Light Rail station. Due to speeds being moderately high, traditional traffic calming tools (e.g. speed humps) would be a costly addition and may not be effective at deterring but a few high-end speeders. Speed limit reductions have increasingly been found to decrease vehicle speeds. Additionally, the Surrey Downs community is relatively insulated from a high rate of outside of traffic. Therefore, community members can be reached directly through communication channels to inform them of the speed limit change allowing them to adjust their behavior.  
The project will be evaluated to measure speeds before and after the speed limit is reduced. Staff will also collect community feedback following implementation to determine if modifications are needed. If the speeds do not decrease, there is project budget to support additional measures aimed at reducing speeds.
No. The city does post 20 mph speed limits in school zones, but the school zone speed limit is only applied during certain times of day (e.g. during school bell times). Additionally, the city posts advisory speed limits (e.g. black lettering on yellow signs signifying a change in road conditions, such as a curve). As such, this will be the first regulatory 20 mph speed limit in Bellevue.
At this point, no. Given that this will be the first 20 mph speed limit, the Transportation Department plans to learn how effective changing speed limit signs and neighborhood education can be in reducing vehicle speeds. Traffic studies collected before and after the speed limit reduction will help to determine effectiveness. The lessons learned from this project may be applied to future efforts to reduce speed limits, but that work is not currently programmed or funded.
The Neighborhood Traffic Safety Program work to create a safer roadway environment for all users, enhance neighborhood livability and engage the community to become active participants in the traffic safety process. Recent projects include reducing cut-through traffic in Woodridge, improving safety and connectivity in Northwest Bellevue, improving traffic safety near Newport Heights Elementary and Tyee Middle School. Staff manage the 60+ radar signs in Bellevue along with the portable radar dolly, available for residents to borrow. If you have a traffic safety concern in your neighborhood, connect with us by completing a Request for Action.  
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